Win-win position: improving user experience and making online business happier

The e-commerce market in Russia is growing rapidly. According to Yandex.Kassa, from 2015 to 2020, small and medium-sized businesses grew in sales by 148%, the number of payments increased 2 times and the average check was higher. If an entrepreneur is experienced and did not go online with a business yesterday, he probably wonders what attributes positively affect consumer experience. So, according to the PwC study , in addition to the best price, as well as fast and reliable delivery, the ten key elements of a positive online shopping experience include items such as the convenience of the site interface and applications (62% of respondents), as well as the availability of convenient payment methods ( 66%).

These needs are especially worth considering at such an important stage for the business as the process of payment for goods and services. The absence of the usual payment methods, adaptation of the site to mobile devices and other inconveniences can not only negatively affect the experience, but also frighten away the user.

In today's article, we’ll tell you how we at Yandex.Kassa solve the basic needs of online stores related to payment processes. And also we will understand what benefit the online merchant brings to the continuity of the payment process.

First - find insight

Let's start with a little background. It so happened that we at Yandex.Kassa have a lot and often communicate with our customers - merchants, business owners. This is done in order to timely identify urgent needs and immediately understand how Cashier can help in meeting them.

We hold a series of meetings with representatives of various Internet businesses. We clarify the details of the business processes of companies, find out their basic needs and problems that arise at the payment stages. Such in-depth interviews helped us identify an important need, which sounds something like this:

“I want the client to pay without leaving my site”

It turned out to many e-commerce representatives that the user did not leave the store at all during the payment process, because there is a great chance that he will not return.

Indeed, there is a request on the market for solutions that allow online stores to embed a payment form in their layout with a minimum of possible redirects. For example, giant services like Netflix (on the left), Amazon (on the top) or Ozon (on the bottom) integrate the payment form on their website. Their customers pay directly on the site, that is, they always remain “in the context” of the online store. Such a seamless billing scenario increases conversions in purchases due to the continuity of user experience.

However, not all online stores can afford a native scenario - this requires significant investments from the merchant. At a minimum, this is a payment for the development of the frontend and backend of such a payment form, as well as the costs of passing an ASV scan and security check according to the Visa and Mastercard standard (PCI DSS). And many many others.

Therefore, a new one was added to the first need:

“I do not want to spend money on complex integration of payment forms. I want to do business ”

At the junction of these two interests, the Cashier Widget was born - a natively embedded payment solution. The entire payment process takes place on the store’s website, while the entrepreneur does not need to allocate resources for additional certifications (Yandex.Kassi has everything). In the first version of the Widget, functionality was implemented that covers the key needs of stores:

  • The embedded window of the payment form is, in fact, the Widget platform.
  • Despite the fact that the form is natively built into the layout of the site, payment security remains on the side of the Cashier.
  • The form checks the entered data and prompts the user if something is entered incorrectly (for example, there are not enough digits in the card number).
  • If necessary, the form sends the user to the screen for authorization 3D Secure.
  • The payment form has an adaptive design - the widget opens and works in mobile phone browsers.

The last point of functionality is also based on the needs of stores. Many merchants want their customers to be able to comfortably pay from any device - in particular, from mobile phones. This is confirmed by global trends in changing user behavior. According to Statista analysts for August 2019, more than 52% of people access the Internet from smartphones. And this percentage will definitely grow further.

However, this was not enough for business. So the next round of development of the payment solution appeared.

The second - we increase functionality

Based on the needs of our customer stores (= just asked them about it) and industry-wide trends, we began to add additional features to the widget. Firstly, it was necessary for the customers of the online store to find their favorite payment methods. Therefore, in addition to a bank card, we added Apple and Google Pay to the widget, a wallet in Yandex.Money, Sberbank Online (via SMS or Internet banking). Separately, we note a clear trend for contactless payment - we already wrote about it in this article .

Secondly, many users are accustomed to the Yandex ecosystem - and they may already have an electronic wallet. Therefore, we decided to remind people that you can pay from the wallet, if they have one. After authorization, the cards tied to the wallet are pulled into the widget.

Before and after authorization (desktop and mobile versions)

Thirdly, some services require multiple payments. For example, in order not to forget to pay for a monthly subscription to a streaming service or for newsletters from continuing education courses, you can save a payment method in a widget - for example, attach a card or connect an auto payment.

Fourth, some online stores operate not only in Russia, but also outside the country. For such cases, a request for multilingualism appeared - the widget supports Russian, English and German. Localization can also be added to the platform API.

Summing up, it is worth saying that the widget has one important goal - to natively integrate into the site and provide the buyer with a seamless script with convenient payment methods. Therefore, in general, the whole process looks like this:

Integration option in iFrame

Third - always stay in touch

We are sure that talking with our customers is cool. And that year, after the launch of the solution, we talked with about 30 other Internet businesses. During this time, our partner stores managed to conduct their own research, A / B testing, and they shared the results with us. We took into account their feedback and so jointly formed a new list for development in 2020. Innovations will make payment even more convenient for customers, which means they will help stores further increase sales. After all, successful payments are exactly what business now needs. Follow the news!

And instead of a conclusion, let's conduct a survey among representatives of online businesses:

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