Mapping to the top of the mountain and a phonendoscope near the statue of Christ - how projectors allow you to express words of support in difficult times

I suspect that many have already become tired of the continuous psychological pressure and mention of the theme of coronavirus. In 1974, the American psychiatrist Herbert Freidenberger introduced the concept of “burnout” into psychology. It manifests itself against the background of increasing emotional exhaustion, especially in conditions of an almost continuous stream of negative emotions and fear. And in the end, it can lead to indifference, both to one’s daily duties and work, and to the safety requirements: " I’m so tired of it that I don’t care now ."

Let's not lead to sin and instead, at least for a few minutes, we will break the vicious circle of “ negative - frustration - negative, ” and recall that complex historical periods, traditionally, stimulate the emergence of new creative ideas!

I propose to look at what original ideas in different countries of the world were realized using projection technology as moral support and for inspiration of doctors and the population in different countries of the world. Both high-budget and simpler projects.


From what we managed to collect:

  • Video mapping of the statue of Christ in Rio de Janeiro
  • Spectacular projection onto the Azadi Tower in Tehran
  • Festival "Bright Side" in St. Petersburg and Perm
  • THANKYOU NHS Videomapping in English Bradford
  • International Solidarity Project “One World. One heart "
  • - «Drive-in»/«»
  • « » HNS


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