Svelte, a vanishing framework that still didn't disappear

When I see another article about Svelte:

RE: Pain and tears in Svelte 3
Svelte 3: Rethinking reactivity
Why SvelteJS is arguably the best framework for new web developers
Legend of the Power of All Power
Re: “Comparison of JS frameworks: React, Vue and Hyperapp”
Disappearing frameworks

I am filled with admiration for the insolence of those who wrote it. With a serious look, these people come and start telling that their framework, in principle, can be considered as an alternative to the big three: Angular, React, Vue. The first time I thought that the author, due to his inexperience, was seriously considering Svelte as a sane production-ready alternative to established frameworks. The second time I thought that the author was experiencing a creative crisis and was so sick of the Big Three that he wanted to write on anything, but not on it. In subsequent times, I was haunted by the feeling that someone was simply scribbling custom posts.

Paranoia, you say, and you will be right. But my therapist is busy supporting coronavirus victims. They need it. Therefore, I have to pronounce yourself. And I would like to talk about the fact that Svelte is a forcefully promoted by someone stillborn framework. Which in 2020 is a waste of time and has no real competitive advantages over other front-end frameworks.

I do not want to compare Svelte and other frameworks and go through its specific shortcomings. You can read this article for the sake of specificity. Svelte is useless to argue about specifics with fans (PR managers?) They will find the very situation when some component refuses to work with the shadow DOM of the framework used and will expose it as an absolute argument in favor of Svelte. And the fact that interfering in one project components written for different reactive frameworks, and the frameworks themselves - an idea below the average, will not confuse them. It also doesn’t confuse the indication of something that Svelte does not have - it either is not needed, or is already being sawn and generally as soon as possible. Therefore, I just do not see any reason to argue about the details. Anyway, it turns out that Svelte is a great framework.

: , , — ( ) .. , , . . -. - 5 . . . . . .

Svelte . Vue . , Vue . . . — . Svelte . .

— . , 2 , , . Svelte 2016 . Vue 2014. 2 . .. Svelte Vue , . .

, . . : Svelte . . — . « » « , ». , , . ! 2020 — .

, , — - . , 3 , . , , , , , . Svelte .

, Svelte . JS VueJS, Svelte. Vanilla JS , ? , ? - ? Virtual DOM, ? Write less code? ? , , , Vuejs React - , . . , «write less code» . Svelte .

, Svelte . , , . — corner cases, VueJS/Angular/React. , 3 - , . , . . — Svelte — . , Svelte? Svelte. , , .

« , 3 ?», . , . 5 , . - , . . , ( ). — , .

Svelte . Svelte, , Svelte . , ? , . ? Who's using Svelte?. - ? , , VueJS ?

, ? — . Svelte. , .. , . , . , Svelte - , , . .

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