How freelance helped me open my own agency

In the last post, I wrote about my favorite sites and communities for freelancers. This time I want to share my personal experience of freelancing, and what role he played in my entrepreneurial path.

Here I’ll talk about how to competently switch to freelance, how to make customer search more efficient and what you can come up with in 1-2 years. In addition to freelance itself, I’ll also share my experience of opening ( own business ) - and this is what I see as the main goal of leaving employment.

Before freelance: download skills!

I wanted to do business since childhood. From the age of eight I earned what I could: I first starred in commercials and films as extras, then, from the age of 14, I worked in various low-skilled positions: as a courier, waiter, delivery man, and made an inventory in stores. At the age of 17 I entered the university, but since I was not taught anything interesting there, I began to participate in various incubators, hackathons and other activities. At the same time I read all the books β€œMann Ivanov and Ferber” and β€œAlpina Publisher” published by that time .

What always attracted me was marketing, and as the first independent project I organized a business club, in which I invited top business to speak to students. Gathering events for 300 people each, I gained the first skills of working with partners, business maidens, advertising, content. In fact, it was a business, only without money. Thanks to him, I met my first employer and mentor - Ilya Balakhnin, the founder of one of the best independent marketing agencies Paper Planes. He invited me together to create an online university that his company launched. Having worked with him side-by-side for four months, launching 4 amazing practical offline courses on strategic marketing and similar disciplines, I gained knowledge about how the agency and the market of online education, sales, marketing and copywriting work.

By this autobiographical introduction, I want to say that:

a) it is advisable to get into freelancing in the coolest company you can find, or in an agency with the craziest, most strict and demanding employer, and
b) you need to take as much knowledge from this employer as you can. Be the best, absorb everything, strive to be near the smartest people in the company, build a network.

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If you want your own business, then freelance is a great thing to start. If you complete the whole program that I wrote about above, then with a good script, you will go out to your company in a year. How I managed to do this, and how I eventually came to the creation of the Make it in Ukraine platform , I will tell in the next post. Well, if, of course, I understand from your pluses in karma that you are interested.

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