[Instruction] Creating Google tests (Google forms)

Thanks to users Exosphere and Yuriy_krd for help and constructive criticism

Sometimes it seems that creating something according to the designer is very quick and simple: at least a site, at least a survey, at least a table. However, you often lose sight of some offensive little things, because of which time is wasted and you have to redo the work because of an offensive trifle. Agree, it’s unpleasant. I decided to go through all the processes for you and warn about possible unpleasant trifles, as well as help newcomers.

In this article, we will make a Google form with which you can collect data, interview employees, customers, conduct hypothesis testing, and so on. By the way, extremely relevant information in terms of remote work.


To create tests, you must have an active Google account. If you don’t have one, refer to the instructions “Creating a Google account and working with Google disk” .

So, create a Form (testing).

Incoming task

We need to create a test that will collect a set of information.

  1. Surname and name of the test person.
  2. Email address - this is necessary when interrogating well-known recipients, when the link was sent to them not by email, but in the messenger. This item may not be used if you are sending out a questionnaire by sending an e-mail.
  3. Make a drop-down list in which the school will be selected. Similarly, you can make a choice of class, department, unit. This option is necessary so that the testee correctly determines to whom he passes the test. When manually entering data in a field, different registers or writing answers will be structured differently by filters in the final table.
  4. You need to create a simple question with one option for the correct answer.
  5. .
  6. .
  7. . , . , (, ) . , .
  8. .
  9. .

1 — ()

Go to the google drive. To do this, click the button with dots in the panel on the top right, following the link https://www.google.com/ or https://www.google.ru/ Next, select Google Drive (hereinafter referred to as Drive).


After loading Drive, it’s best to create a folder or folder structure. Let's say “Testing” -> “Tests for job seekers” and after going to this folder, create a test (form). This will allow you to structure the data.

Step 2. Creating a Test (form)

As with any document on Google Drive, the beginning of work begins with the “Create +” button in the upper left part of the screen. This button creates folders in Drive, all documents are created.


By clicking the Create button, you will see a menu. In it you need to select "More."


There are several ways to create a form:

1. Create an empty form :

  • Click on the Google Forms menu item (mark 1)
  • Click on the drop-down list button (mark 2), in the drop-down list, click “Create a blank form” (mark 3)

2. Creating a form according to the template - Repeat the steps above to mark 3, and instead mark 3+. A template library will open for you, where you can choose the most suitable template. In the future, it can be edited to your needs.

We created an empty form (testing).

Step 3. Controls

The first thing to do is create a file name for the form. This name is internal, under it the form will be stored on Drive.


The name is created by clicking on the phrase “New form” in the upper left part of the screen.

In the center of the screen is a box with the name of the test (form). It will be seen by test takers at runtime. Change it to the desired one.


In the same place we fill out the description for the test (form).

Next, the first block of the question is automatically created.


In the “Question without a title” field, you need to enter your question. Rename Option 1 to the answer below. If you need to add another question - you need to click below “Add question”. You can also add the option “Other”, then a text field will appear in the test where the user can enter any other answer in any form.

The drop-down list allows you to select the type of question. In our case, a question with one answer option is automatically created. If you open the drop-down list, you can choose a different form of the question.

At the bottom of the block there are buttons:

  1. “Copy” - means copying the entire block.
  2. “Delete” - delete the entire block
  3. Mandatory issue and slide switch. He makes the question mandatory: without answering it, the user will not be able to continue or finish testing.
  4. Additional settings “three dots button” - allows you to add a description to the answer, mix the answers, select the option for the answer.

To the right of the form is a vertical block of buttons that allows (from top to bottom on the buttons):

  1. create another block of questions
  2. import questions from previously created form (tests)
  3. add a separate block with a name and description
  4. insert image
  5. insert video (YouTube)
  6. add section. In this case, another page of questions will be created. This is convenient when creating multiple topics in one form (test).

And the final control block at the top of the page:


From left to right:

  1. Select a color theme for the questionnaire. This is very convenient when creating several regular questionnaires - in order to eliminate confusion among employees, you can also mention its color form when mentioning the name of the report. This greatly facilitates communication and work efficiency.
  2. View. Allows in a new tab to view the finished version of the form at the moment without publishing it.
  3. . . .
  4. “”. // .
  5. “ ”. — , , ..



The General tab and Presentation should not cause any questions. An important tab “Tests” - in it you can set up a mark for each question in the form. To do this, activate the “Test” slide switch and your form will go into the test category. After activating this button, you can assign the correct answers and the number of points for the correct answer in the list of questions.

After activating the switch, click the “Save” button and go to the questions. The button “Answers” ​​will appear at the bottom of the question block:


By clicking on it, you will enter the mode of setting the correct answers and scoring points for the correct answer.


So, let's start the task at the beginning.

Step 4. Create a test

  1. We enter the file name in Drive
  2. Enter the title of the test
  3. Enter test description
  4. Enter the question
  5. Having opened the drop-down list, select the item “Text (line)”

We get:


Activate the “Required Question” switch. The user is now required to enter the Last Name and First Name in order to continue the test.

Add a second question by clicking on the top button in the right vertical panel of controls.


We will make this question optional without activating the switch at the bottom right of the block. Without even answering this question, the user will continue and be able to finish testing.

We create another block with a single answer




We add a block with several answer options. Here we also added the “Other” answer option.

Now set up the points for the correct answers. Go to the settings item in the upper right part of the controls (gear icon). Go to the “Test” tab and activate the switch. Click the Save button and return to the list of our questions.

By clicking on any empty space in the question block, we activate it. At the bottom left, we activate the response block. We choose the right answer for us and assign the number of points.


We click the button is ready. Points assigned.

Now we need to adjust the frequency of questions and the collection of email addresses.

Again, go to the "Settings" at the top of the controls. We activate the settings elements we need.


We go directly to the “Presentations” tab and verify that the option “Show link to re-fill the form” is activated. Click the “Save” button.

The test (form) is ready.

Step 4. Submitting the test (form)

Submission of the test (form) is carried out by clicking the “Submit” button. In the window that opens, you can select different sending options.

Sending by email:


In the To field, enter the addresses of the recipients. In this case, in the answers tab, you will see who voted and who has not yet answered the form questions.


Also, the form can be immediately included in the body of the letter.

The next tab is to send the link. In this case, you can send it not only by mail, but also in any other way, including through the Messenger. However, in this case, you will be forced to track the respondents yourself.

The third option is an insert on the site. This is for more advanced users. Allows you to embed code with the form directly into the site template.

You have finished creating the form.

Link to the test form created when writing the instructions.

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