What awaits at the first job

Soon you will go to your first job. You are young, full of strength and energy. You have already read a bunch of articles on what will await you at work and how you need to behave.

A difficult year ahead. You have to learn how to draw up a content plan, work with a community or reports. You will also master working communication. It is not simple.

It is not easy not because you have to learn communication schemes, but because you have to work with living people who are characterized by selfishness, envy and fatigue. People around will do strange things and have to learn how to cope with it.

I made a list of what will surprise, offend, upset or make laugh at the beginning of work in the office (or in another workspace). This list will not contain phrases such as “they will give boring work” or “they will not be taken seriously”. This is so everyone knows. Let's go a little further.

Most likely, your youth and ambition will be annoying

. You still have everything ahead and a lot of plans for the future. You are as fresh as May Day, and your colleagues are already tired: someone has children, and someone pays a loan for the car.

You are already not a girl, but not yet a woman. You share with your colleagues how you had a fun weekend while they traveled with your family to Auchan. Consider how knowledge of the English language will help in negotiations with foreign partners, and colleagues consider themselves too old to gain new knowledge.

Briefly - they see in you a reflection of yourself young. The man whom life circumstances have not yet managed to break.

No, these people are not a gray mass that has not achieved success and is mired in everyday life. These people continue to achieve career heights and go towards goals. They just had to suppress several outbursts of youth in their time and you remind about it. You’ll

have to muffle yourself and argue less.

You finish the second redbull, adding the text exactly as you see fit, and not as the manager asked. You have recently emotionally explained to a colleague how wrong he is. Plus, the CEO is a moron and doesn’t understand anything, and you persistently explained this in the smoking room.

Easy. It's good to have an opinion and go your own way, but if you show off a lot, you will be fired. They won’t even think for a long time and just give a kick. People dislike fierce criticism, especially from green interns. You have already formed your system in this workspace and you will not change it.

If you want to speak out about something - muffle yourself in two tones. If you want to scold CEO and his ideas, then go pour yourself tea, eat an apple and get back to work. Yes, even if he is a moron.

When you prove your cool to everyone, speak out more. Just remember the courtesy and human relationships.

You will not be trained

At work, you will learn a lot, but you will be very lucky if a mentor stands above the soul, who will explain the nuances of work with a strict voice. You’ll have to grab onto everything yourself.

Most likely, they will say that you are doing everything badly. How to make it good is not explained.

You will be given another employee as an example.

Before you, Lena must have worked, who did a very good job, and you will receive heavenly punishment. You will often hear that “oh well, Lena didn’t ask questions at all!”, “Lena did everything quicker”, “Lena had to be appreciated, she was working well.”

Lena worked cool, but Lena had more experience and that’s what they loved her. If you try, you will become cooler than she.

In general, do not compare yourself with anyone. You are you. Try to do everything as well as possible and be responsible.

Your ideas will be

stolen. You quietly mumbled something under your breath about improving user loyalty, your colleagues rolled their eyes, and after a month you see someone actively puffing over that very hypothesis. And you think, "that, well, it also occurred to a man."

If you notice that this happens not once or twice, then it’s not just the similarity of people’s thinking. And it can be a shame when your words are ignored, and then, someone passes them off as their brilliant ideas.

Chin up. Yes, it’s unpleasant, but it only says that you generate good things and you will have a chance to prove yourself.

You yourself need to take responsibility and ask for more

If you want to do more, increase or learn something, then ask for it yourself. To the question "are you sure that you can do it," say sure yes. No, like this: YES!

Your boss will not come in one day and say “Oh, our intern works so well. Let's give him an interesting puzzle. " Most likely he doesn’t even remember your name. Stay upstart: fit in to help with projects, tell everyone how you want to develop, tell how cool and quickly made the tablet.

Well, do not be afraid to take responsibility, it is not as scary as it is painted.

And you can't complain and cry

Never complain that it’s hard, bad, and someone offended you at work. Even if the boss yelled at you and you cried at home in the evening, do not tell anyone about it. Pretend that you are unperturbed, and talked about “oh so bad yesterday you were treated”, pretend to be a Texas ranger and say that it’s just work and that it didn’t catch you.

Firstly, it will look cool. Secondly, if you whine, you will not be taken seriously. I already wrote about this in detail in my tg channel t.me/podhodite.

The first year at work is difficult. The first working experience is important and can give a lot, even if this work is Sax. Because with experience it is much easier to find a dream job.

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