Practical class “Searching malware in IoT”

We continue a series of classes on the analysis of CTF-tasks for those who begin a career in IT and information security.
The next webinar starts on Thursday, April 23 at 18:00 and will be devoted to the search for malware in IoT. We will analyze the protocol for communicating malware with C & C servers using the botnet agent for OpenWRT on the MIPS architecture as an example, and look for ways to detect and intercept control. All details and a link to register are under the cut.

Classes are held in discord, each lasts 30-40 minutes. We will send a link to the discord after registration - along with additional useful materials on the topic and CTF-related tasks themselves. Do not forget to check your mail!

The lesson will be conducted by Anton Firsov, senior engineer of the technical investigation at Rostelecom Solar. Ask Anton questions, clarify incomprehensible moments, and by the end of the webinar you will become much better versed even in low-level processes.

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