How to reuse code with symfony 5 bundles? Part 2. We take out the code in the bundle

Let's talk about how to stop copy-paste between projects and transfer the code to a re-usable symfony 5 plug-in bundle. A series of articles summarizing my experience with bundles will lead in practice from creating a minimal bundle and refactoring a demo application to tests and the bundle release cycle.

In the previous article, we created a minimal bundle of two files and included it in the project.

In this article:

  • Porting code to bundle
  • Dependency Injection: registering bundle services in a DI container
  • Migrating controllers and setting up routing
  • Resource Path Determination Mechanism
  • Transferring templates to bundles

If you are not completing the tutorial sequentially, then download the application from the repository and switch to the 1-bundle-mockup branch .

Instructions for installing and starting the project in a file

You will find the final version of the code for this article in the 2-basic-refactoring branch .

Let's proceed to refactoring.

We move the main files

A bundle can contain everything the same as regular Symfony applications: entities, controllers and commands, templates, assets, tests and any other code.

, , bundles/CalendarBundle/src ( ):

# Crate dirs
cd bundles/CalendarBundle/src/
mkdir Controller Entity Service
cd ../../../src

# Move files
mv Form Repository ../bundles/CalendarBundle/src/
mv Controller/EditorController.php Controller/EventController.php ../bundles/CalendarBundle/src/Controller
mv Entity/Event.php ../bundles/CalendarBundle/src/Entity
mv Service/EventExporter ../bundles/CalendarBundle/src/Service/EventExporter
mv Twig ../bundles/CalendarBundle/src/Twig

, . namespace use App\ bravik\CalendarBundle\.

App\: .

IDE PhpStorm Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + R.

use App\Repository\EventRepository SiteController



SiteController : EventRepository. autowiring Symfony typehints DI-.

src/Services , .

Dependency Injection

, DI- , .

, .

, Symfony- services.yaml, DI-.

src config/services.yaml:




        #     typehints   (  )
        autowire: true

        #   :
        autoconfigure: true 

    #       DI-
    bravik\CalendarBundle\Repository\EventRepository: ~
    bravik\CalendarBundle\Controller\EventController: ~
    bravik\CalendarBundle\Controller\EditorController: ~

3 .

- config/services.yaml , .

@todo :

#  Twig   
bravik\CalendarBundle\Twig\TwigRuDateFilter: ~

#     EventExporter  DI-
    resource: '../src/Service/EventExporter/*'

#  ExporterProvider   DI-
#    2   
            - '@bravik\CalendarBundle\Service\EventExporter\Exporters\GoogleCalendarExporter'
            - '@bravik\CalendarBundle\Service\EventExporter\Exporters\ICalendarExporter'

, , . , . src DependencyInjection/CalendarExtension.php:

namespace bravik\CalendarBundle\DependencyInjection;

use Exception;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Extension\Extension;

class CalendarExtension extends Extension
    public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container)

. <BundleName>Extension, src/DependencyInjection Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Extension\Extension.

Symfony DI-, Extension-. , Extension::load() .

, . , PHP-. .

services.yaml :

public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container)
    $loader = new YamlFileLoader(
        new FileLocator(__DIR__.'/../../config')

, :


Symfony :

config/routes.yaml              #   
config/routes/annotations.yaml  #   ,

. annotations.yaml:

controllers:                          #  
    type: annotation                  #   
    resource: ../../src/Controller/   #   ,  

: config/routes.yaml.

    type: annotation
    resource: '../src/Controller/'



    resource: '@CalendarBundle/config/routes.yaml'

@CalendarBundle β€” .

Symfony .

, /admin - : /admin ?

, :

    resource: '@CalendarBundle/config/routes.yaml'
    prefix:   /admin
    name_prefix: cms.

security . , .

, Symfony vendor_name_. .

, Twig «» .


  • @<BundleName>Bundle/path/to/config β€”
  • @<BundleName>/path/to/template β€” .

Symfony Β« Β». . .

./src. , Symfony 4 src/Resources. 4 Symfony , β€” . , .

CalendarBundle getPath():

public function getPath(): string
    return dirname(__DIR__);

@CalendarBundle .

, !

? .

. , , -.

templates templates/event :

mkdir bundles/CalendarBundle/templates
mv templates/event/* bundles/CalendarBundle/templates

β€” , . .

Β«  Β» IDE . event/ @Calendar/.

@Calendar Twig , namespace Twig. templates , Symfony namespace, templates Resources/views ( ).

site/index.html.twig twig-. :

, β€” .

: base.html.twig -:

{% extends 'base.html.twig' %}


, , DI-. Example Project 2-basic-refactoring.

  •  , β€”   namespace   .       App
  • , β€” Extension-.     DI-     . ,   .
  •   .   .   .
  •   ,    ,  ..,   «»  ,   .      .

, JS -.


3. : , , JS
6. ,
7. ,

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