What to see in quarantine? A selection of materials from Technostream (part 1)

Sitting on an undeclared quarantine can be used to good effect, improving the body and mind. We will probably talk about the first one someday, but for now we offer you food for the mind: a selection of diverse interesting materials in the form of two courses and two interviews.

Android Development Course, Technopolis, Spring 2019

Recall that Technopolis is one of our joint educational projects, in this case with the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

This course will help you acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for developing software for Android. You'll learn Android APIs, Developer Tools (SDKs), popular libraries, and more. In addition, you will learn how to provide fault tolerance.

  • Lecture 1. Introduction . General characteristics of Android and mobile development in general. Basic development tools. Creating a Hello World application. Device application. Features of mobile development.
  • Lecture 2. Fundamentals of layout . Familiarity with the basic UI elements of Android. Screen layout and handling of interaction with UI elements.
  • 3. . Android. MessageQueue, Looper, Handler. . : Executor, AsyncTask AsyncTaskLoader, Service, IntentService JobIntentService. RxJava.
  • 4. . ? Android SDK ? ?
  • 5. CustomView, measure/layout/draw/touch event/etc. CustomView, measure layout? : Wave View. . . : .
  • 6. , , . ? ? () ?
  • 7. Android OS . . .
  • 8. . Android-. . Android-. .
  • 9. Android-. Android-. SOLID- . . Model View Controller Model View Presenter. Dagger 2. MVVM. Android-. Data Binding. .
  • 10. Kotlin. Kotlin. , Java? Powerful Kotlin Android. DSL ?
  • 11. . RxJava? () . . . Marble-. Observable. RxJava. Android- c RxJava.
  • Lecture 12. Energy consumption. What subsystems affect energy consumption? Features of different types of displays. Measurement of consumption of smartphone subsystems. Measurements of consumption depending on the frequency of network requests. How Android helps optimize consumption. Methods of passive and active consumption reduction.

Video recordings of lectures .

Course "Databases. Tarantool Lab Β»

The purpose of the course is to study the topology, diversity and basic principles of the functioning of storage and data systems, as well as the algorithms underlying both centralized and distributed systems, to demonstrate the fundamental compromises inherent in one or another solution.

  • 1. . . NoSQL-. . -. .
  • 2. . cache-oblivious . cache-oblivious . write amplification. . LSM-. -. .
  • 3. . Least Recently Used. LRU: . online-. c-compettve. LFD: . FIFO. . . MARK.
  • Lecture 4 and 5. DBMS architecture. Modules Data structures - statics and dynamics. Formats and protocols. Request life cycle.
  • Lecture 6 and 7. Transactions. ACID principles in transactional data processing. Implementing a logging storage subsystem. The principle of double entry. The concept of change history. Strategies NO UNDO, NO REDO. Strategies STEAL, NO STEAL.
  • Lecture 8. Transaction management using locks. Hierarchical locks. Special locks. Deadlocks. Priorities of locks. The concept of hot spot. Deadlock Search Algorithms. The concept of saturation of a queuing system as applied to a transaction system.

Video recordings of lectures .

How to build a development team on a remote site. Skyeng Experience

Alexey Kataev, development manager at Skyeng, talks about how they created a team of 68 developers on a remote site, how they cope with emergency tasks and deal with distractions at home.

Android development: team, market, testing

How does the integration of new employees into the team go, what happens to the Android developers market, what does the architecture of the News@mail.ru application look like and everything about testing mobile applications.

Recall that current lectures and master classes on programming from our IT specialists are still published on the Technostream channel . Subscribe not to miss new lectures!

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