Announcement of the online mitap PiterJS # 46: performance, complex UI components and CSS-in-TS

Hello, Habr! Tomorrow, April 23, PiterJS will hold an online meeting - and we ( HolyJS organizers ) will help them with the technical part of the broadcast.

At the meeting we’ll talk about the development of complex UI components, performance and CSS-in-TS with speakers from Lamoda, SEMrush and 1C.

When: April 23, 19: 00-21: 30
Where: PiterJS YouTube Channel


Development of complex components: we divide quickly, we easily support
Roman Pyatakov, Lamoda, Frontend Tech Lead
In a real example, we will consider the principles of developing complex UI components that will help maintain fast TTM and simplify code support. Let’s figure out why the component is a sandbox, what to do with fancy features and why the “do not combine and conquer” approach is good.

High performance web applications
Ivan Zatravkin, SEMrush, Lead Fullstack Developer
How to write fast and responsive applications? What can you develop inside the browser in 2020? Let's talk about performance, various techniques, what is worth doing and what is not. In conclusion, let's see what awaits us in the near future.

Advanced CSS-in-TS
Dmitry Karlovsky, 1C, Head of Department
Let's look at the $ mol_style library, which analyzes the structure of the application and allows you to write statically validated nested selectors.

See you! Press the bell on YouTube, prepare soft drinks, connect and watch the online mitap PiterJS # 46 .

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