System Analysis Online Meetup 29/04

We invite you online: the System Analysis mitap will be held on April 29 and promises to be interesting. We’ll learn how to understand customers even better, look at the UML State Machine Diagram tool in action to describe the life cycles of objects, and examine the relationship between the analyst and product metrics.

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What we will talk about

Description of object life cycles using the UML State Machine Diagram

Anna Abramova, DataArt


The State Machine Diagram (UML) is one of the most common and useful system analysis tools and at the same time one of the most demanding. A state diagram is less natural to perceive than diagrams describing sequences of actions or relationships between different objects. Therefore, when constructing a diagram, special attention should be paid to the specifics of the described object.

System Analyst and Product Metrics - Shake but Do Not Mix

Alexey Lobzov, Alfa-Bank


The report will show how system analysts of one of the bank's remote channels are involved in the process of working with product metrics. What types of metrics do they encounter? How closely do they work with each of them? What tools do you use? This will be discussed.

We want to know everything about customers.

Nikolay Yarina, Raiffeisenbank


We had questions that Yandex Metric could not answer. Therefore, we found a solution that allowed us to get to know our customers better.

>>> Join the System Analysis community in Telegram : Open_SA_Community_Raif

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