What IT professionals are hired during the economic crisis and pandemic?

Despite the fact that many companies temporarily suspended the search for new employees, in the IT sector there remains a fairly high demand for IT specialists. In the article I will talk about which developers are especially popular even in a crisis.

The list is based on three sources. These are thematic channels in the Telegram messenger, vacancies on LinkedIn, as well as vacancies posted on HeadHunter no later than a month ago. The personal statistics of my agency played a key role in compiling the list: I compared the number of selection requests for 2020 with the number of applications for the same specialties in 2019. (period: January - April).

The list of specialties that are booming even during the epidemic included: Android developers, Python and Ruby on Rails programmers. But the real sensation is caused by Golang (Go) programmers, the demand for which over the past three months has grown significantly. Let’s do it in order and with numbers (because without them, any words are an empty phrase).

Statistics are relevant only for Russia.

Features of working with statistics

Before you go to the list, I ask you to pay attention to how data should be perceived. HeadHunter and LinkedIn are not very significant for the IT sector, as most employers do not post vacancies in these channels. These sites are more convenient for active search for candidates.

Most likely, you have a question, why do I bring statistics from these channels if it does not carry a serious information load? Everything is simple here: despite the fact that the number of published vacancies on HeadHunter and LinkedIn somewhat distorts real numbers, these platforms allow you to compare specialties among themselves and find out which ones are most popular on the market.

Unfortunately, I can’t reflect the statistics from Telegram in the report, since all the vacancies that are published in the messenger cannot be tracked. Nevertheless, the channel seriously helped in compiling the list:

  • it is one of the most popular channels for IT recruiting in Russia;
  • my team is actively working with the messenger, so I know how often and in what quantities new vacancies for the selection of IT specialists are published.

Thanks for reading this important section. Now you can go to the list :)

Android developers

Let's start with general statistics. Over the past month, HeadHunter posted 595 new offers for the selection of Android developers, on LinkedIn - 8.

Directly to my company over the past three months I have received 35 requests for the selection of programmers creating Android applications.

In comparison with the same period for 2019, we received 17 applications more.


An interesting fact: according to HeadHunter, Android developers' salaries range from 90,000 rubles to $ 7,000. The most expensive vacancy is open for work in a German company.

Go (Golang) programmers

Developed by Google and first introduced in 2009, the Go programming language today is actively spreading its influence in the Russian IT industry. Over the past month, 485 vacancies have been posted on HeadHunter, of which 63 in the last day alone.

Interestingly, in most vacancies, the experience is only 1-3 years. There are companies that are ready to consider specialists without experience. There were 38 of them. Most likely, the reason lies in the fact that this is a fairly “young” language for the Russian IT market, and companies drew attention to it just six months ago. On LinkedIn, I found some active jobs for Golang programmers.

My agency received 47 requests for the selection of Go developers, and, in truth, these are huge numbers for my company. For example, in the same period last year, my recruiters searched for only 5 Go developers.


It is still difficult to say why such a stir on Go programmers is connected. It is likely that there is no correlation between the pandemic and the growth in demand, but the fact remains that this is one of the most popular vacancies in my company.

By the way, a year ago I wrote a study for Habr readers, which was devoted to rare programming languages. In the draft version of the study, I mentioned Golang, but in the end it was not included in the list (sorry, can you imagine what an interesting observation would have turned out :)

Python developers

I know that Habr readers don’t really trust Stackoverflow statistics, but nevertheless, I really want to mention that in the recent ranking of the most popular programming languages, Python takes the fourth line, ahead of Java, C ++, PHP. And he is the second after Rust in the list of the most favorite languages ​​among developers.

Interesting fact: for the third year in a row, Python has been actively making its way into the TOP-3 of the most popular programming languages, occupying ever higher positions from year to year.

If we talk about requests for Headhunter, the numbers there are impressive: to date, 757 companies are looking for Python developers. On LinkedIn - 14. This data relates directly to the specialty: there are much more offers for those who know the language but are ready to work in another IT position, such as Data Scientist or Product owner.

Ruby on Rails developers

According to HeadHunter, in total we can find 566 vacancies that mention Ruby on Rails in the title or description. Exclusively Ruby on Rails programmers are looking for 103 companies. On LinkedIn we can find 10 active vacancies.

My agency statistics for January-April 2020, compared to last year’s requests, indicate that the demand for Ruby on Rails developers has grown 5 times (15 requests this year compared to 3 requests in the past).


An interesting fact: the salary of specialists who own Ruby on Rails ranges from 100,000 rubles to $ 10,000.

Other specialties

There are specialties for which demand has not grown, but still remains at a fairly high level. These are C ++ programmers, as well as Java developers.

At Headhunter, we can find 759 active jobs for C ++ programmers, and 2,127 offers for Java developers. On LinkedIn, there are 37 offers for C ++ developers, and about 80 for Java developers.

Interesting fact: C ++ programmers are offered the highest salary in comparison with other specialists from the list. The highest rewards at Headhunter are € 10,000.

What Happens to Hiring IT Companies: Live Broadcast

Recently, the Podbor.io project team created a program: anyone who is interested in the situation with personnel in a particular company (most often IT) can go in and check online what is happening with the staff.

In addition, you can add your own company and indicate what is happening with you. I am sharing a link to the platform. Perhaps this will be useful to you.


Judging by the data collected on HeadHunter and on LinkedIn and, it turns out that the most popular specialty from the list are Python developers. They are followed by Android and Ruby on Rails programmers, and only at the end is Golang.



But if we compare the specialties not by the number of publications on HeadHunter and LinkedIn, but based on my agency’s own statistics, then everything is quite the opposite: Golang tops the ranking among the most “developing” languages ​​in Russia. The demand for Android and Ruby on Rails developers has also grown significantly compared to last year, and Java and C ++ programmers have been and remain very popular specialists in the market.

It is impossible to say exactly what influenced the increase in demand for some IT-specialists: a pandemic and the subsequent development of some IT-areas or an accident. We can find out about this only after a while, but for now we will believe that the demand for IT specialists in the future will remain at the same high level as now.

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