A small international PHP mitap online

Quarantine locks us in four walls, but on the other hand it erases distances. For example, this Saturday it will be possible to be at the meeting of the Minsk community: the guys decided to use the opportunities of the online format to the full and gather experts from different countries and cities in one broadcast.

Report on non-trivial application of technologies fromSerafimArts from Moscow, a story about a reasonable approach to code review from seregazhuk from Bryansk, PHP quiz from pronskiyfrom Kharkov - this is only half of a great program .

“Come” to the broadcast on April 25th. In the meantime, a little about the heroes of the Saturday online mitap.

“Don't threaten Minsk blockchain” or a brief history of PHP of BY

Igor chilic, you are one of the co-organizers of the movement from the Minsk PHP community, and the other day you will hold your 33rd meeting. Surely during this time you stepped on a bunch of rakes. Tell me about some scary school in the history of the community.

It was a combo: we tried to hold a PHP mitap with the report “Blockchain, and not a word about PHP” - in parallel with the mitap about the blockchain)

Ok, we understood about the report that didn’t come. And which report from the history of the community would you definitely recommend to everyone?

For me personally, the most interesting is “How to start contributing to PHP” by Andrei Nester:

How did it all begin?

As far as I know, this was originally an EPAM internal mitap organized by Alexander Simanovich. Then the mitaps reached the city level - and were called PHP UG (User Group) Minsk. It seems that it was 2013 - the first event was created on our Facebook . Well, then on Facebook it’s easy to follow the rest of the story.

It seems that you have the most stable and long-lived community in the CIS. How did you manage not to deflate and not break up?

In fact, we were blown away and split up. But every time there were people ready to take the initiative - and that's cool! That is, the changes took place in the composition of the organizers, but for most it was invisible - for them the number of the event changed. The fact is that in order to organize something, you need a lot of time and energy. And, of course, interested speakers are needed. So thank them very much)

“Code review: faster, easier, more efficient” (Sergey Zhuk, Skyeng)

Why did you decide to talk about this?

Any changes to the code need to be reviewed. Friends and strangers. So, I think this is a sore point for many.

"Do not do like this". And how - let's talk in the report.

Tell a story that will not be included in the report, but which perfectly illustrates the topic.

Once we refactored the project’s configs. The code did not change at all. And when we tested it locally, we inserted prod access (API credits) from one service into the config. And then they made a request and thought, well, why review it: there are only configs, and tests pass ...

After each report, it will be possible to ask a question by voice. What tricky question would you ask yourself if you were a listener on your own report?)

At work, you can still make people somehow adhere to a certain flow, break requests. In open-source, the situation is slightly different. How to explain to the person who spent time on your project that you want him to break the request into several logical parts?

“Beyond Web Development” (Kirill Nesmeyanov, PHP Russia)

In your report, you want to show that PHP is not just about websites. Why did you decide to talk about this?

What do we value in the reports? Uniqueness! All sorts of crazy things that are often done “for fan” contain a huge amount of experience that is difficult to obtain in everyday practice.


Fun, right?)

Tell a story that will not be included in the report.

Attention, anecdote:

- How many developers in a dynamic typing language do you need to screw in a light bulb?
- true

“Gherkin for testing projects on Drupal 8” (Andrey Stepanov, Minsk EPAM)

Why did you decide to talk about this?

When I needed to organize site testing using Gherkin, it turned out that there wasn’t much information on the network about this. Having understood, I decided to fill this gap.

After each report there will be an opportunity to ask a question by voice. What tricky question would you ask yourself if you were a listener on your own report?

I think this would be the question “How will this help solve my XYZ problem?”. Because there is no clear answer to it. If your project has a problem, but you have no idea how to solve it, do not grab the first solutions voiced by someone.

We rewrite the project from PHP4 to PHP7 (Maxim Shamaev, Skyeng)

In your report, you will tell about the experience that you received before moving to us. Why did you decide to talk about this? I made the

last report about the logs from the experience of Skyeng, and it is easy to notice from it that in large companies we live in a world of plus or minus current technologies. But somewhere else morally obsolete projects are written, written before the emergence of a distinct OOP in PHP. They are afraid of the old code, because it is scary and inconvenient, but the fight against it often does not find support from the leadership.

My story will give an understanding of how, when faced with an old project, turn it into something modern.

Tell a story that will not be included in the report, but perfectly illustrates the topic.

This is a story about a programmer who wants $ 5k, and a project that no one has rewritten. Often I hear it from different people. Well, they say, "they called for a project, a lot of money, a Western company - but the old code, PHP4, MySQL4, the front on the noodles from jQuery" ... The same stories, year after year. I myself will share just the opposite experience.

After each report there will be an opportunity to ask a question by voice. What tricky question would you ask yourself if you were a listener on your own report?

Was I sure that rewriting the code would be able to “sell” to the customer? And did you understand what would happen if it didn’t work out.

“Creating an event-oriented architecture around a legacy application” (Alexey Vasiliev, Raiffeisenbank)

In your report, you will tell about the experience of refactoring an extremely old project. Why did you decide to talk about this?

Six months ago, I had the opportunity to touch the time capsule - a small project seemed to freeze in the state in which it was ten years ago. And then the business remembered him. This is my first report, and I want to share an example implementation, as well as show the benefits of Event Storming, BPMN, Messenger Component (Symfony) and the Platform API using this example.

After each report there will be an opportunity to ask a question by voice. What tricky question would you ask yourself if you were a listener on your own report?

Why write something in PHP if everything can be implemented in Camunda?

psWe are already looking for speakers for the next May online meeting. Write in private messages if you want to participate. Most likely, it will be held in late spring, so that you have time to relax from the free online add-on to PHP Russia.

pps All the PHP activities we know about can be found here , and the most complete list of online mitaps on various topics and technologies can be found on this site .

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