We work from home: photo spread

IT companies transferred their employees to remote work. It would seem that you do not have to get up early, spend time on the road, you don’t even have to comb your hair ... But organizing a home office for LANIT employees required a lot of ingenuity. We asked colleagues to send photos of their workspace. We suggest you watch this fun photo collection, and at the end of the article you will find a video bonus.

First, a little classics.

In any home, strategic supplies of toilet paper and buckwheat should always be at hand.

Or some other food.

Which still needs to be prepared on the job.

Want - sit, want - lie. If you want, you admire the sun. But with the second eye - LANIT website!

Eyes rest at the sight of your favorite area behind two monitors.

The closer to the window, the more soulful.

And you can fence yourself off from your home with a forest of flowers. And sit in an ambush.

But the bed is somehow more comfortable. And there is a place for a dog.

When self-isolated with a colleague in the country. They even got married in quarantine!

And someone here in Sochi. He is engaged in design, and he sings songs and voices video materials.

You must not forget about the appearance! Especially when you are not alone in quarantine.

This also applies to men!

#pillowchallenge on the balcony

And here the pads are used for their intended purpose.

For a children's desk I had to build a structure for a video conferencing session. 

But what about the cats? Try to work without a cat. The tiger lurked right on the desktop.

Even the cat does stretching! And you?

It seems they are unhappy that the owner is constantly at their house.

I don’t know anything; take a stool for yourself!

The main thing is that the legs do not leak from sitting. Or lying down.

Kitty is shocked by such enterprise!

The inscription is clearly about remote work.

Find a cat. Found? Now go work.

A shark from Ikea also works at home.

Z - envy. Work at the "fireplace".

This is the right scale.

When the cat is not at home - he is on the screens.

Seated everywhere with their laptops, you can no longer go.

Simple and concise. 

Simple and concise. Take 2.

One desktop for two. But in the kitchen, closer to the refrigerator.

True, working in the kitchen is dangerous for technology. The real case on the remote.

And finally. Remember!

And we also have a cool video from the life of LANIT employees on a remote site:

Are you ready to show your home offices in the comments?

By the way, on our career portal there are still vacancies for almost every taste.

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