PostgreSQL recipes: auto-failover and auto-rejoin in docker swarm

To prepare auto-failover and auto-rejoin in docker swarm we need docker , postgres , repmgr , pgbouncer , runit and gluster . You can also use the finished image .

To begin with, on two hosts (better than iron ones) docker1 and docker2 we organize docker swarm so that both are managers.

Also, on both hosts, install the distributed file system glusterfs and mount it on both hosts in fstab like this

localhost:/gfs /mnt/gfs glusterfs defaults,_netdev,backupvolfile-server=localhost 0 0

Then on both hosts create a partition

docker volume create repmgr

and network

docker network create --attachable --driver overlay docker

Then collect the image using the docker file:

FROM alpine
RUN set -ex \
    && apk add --no-cache --repository --virtual .locales-rundeps \
        musl-locales \ #   (   ,      )
    && apk add --no-cache --virtual .postgresql-rundeps \
        openssh-client \ #  ssh- (   ,      )
        openssh-server \ #  ssh- (   ,    switchover)
        pgbouncer \ #  
        postgresql \ #  
        postgresql-contrib \ #     (   ,      )
        repmgr \ #  repmgr
        repmgr-daemon \ #    
        rsync \ #   (   ,      )
        runit \ #   
        shadow \ #   
        tzdata \ #   (   ,      )
    && echo done
ADD bin /usr/local/bin #  
ADD service /etc/service #    
CMD [ "runsvdir", "/etc/service" ] #   
ENTRYPOINT [ "" ] #   
ENV HOME=/var/lib/postgresql
ENV GROUP=postgres \
    PGDATA="${HOME}/pg_data" \
RUN set -ex \
    && sed -i -e 's|#PasswordAuthentication yes|PasswordAuthentication no|g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config \ #    
    && sed -i -e 's|#   StrictHostKeyChecking ask|   StrictHostKeyChecking no|g' /etc/ssh/ssh_config \ #    
    && echo "   UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" >>/etc/ssh/ssh_config \ #      
    && sed -i -e 's|postgres:!:|postgres::|g' /etc/shadow \ #    
    && chmod -R 0755 /etc/service /usr/local/bin \
    && echo done

Now run the service on each host
docker service create \
    --constraint node.hostname==docker1 \ #     
    --env GROUP_ID="$(id -g)" \ #    (       )
    --env LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8 \ #   (   ,      )
    --env TZ=Asia/Yekaterinburg \ #   (   ,      )
    --env USER_ID="$(id -u)" \ #    (       )
    --hostname tasks.repmgr1 \ #  
    --mount type=bind,source=/etc/certs,destination=/etc/certs,readonly \ #     (   ,      )
    --mount type=bind,source=/mnt/gfs/repmgr,destination=/var/lib/postgresql/gfs \ #    
    --mount type=volume,source=repmgr,destination=/var/lib/postgresql \ #  
    --name repmgr1 \ #   
    --network name=docker \ #  
    --publish target=5432,published=5432,mode=host \ #   
    --publish target=5433,published=5433,mode=host \ #   
    --replicas-max-per-node 1 \ #      
    rekgrpth/repmgr #   

On the second host, run the second service as well, only instead of docker1 we write docker2 and instead of repmgr1 we write repmgr2

If to teach docker to resolve hostname of conveyers
docker service create \
    --env GROUP_ID="$(id -g)" \ #    (       )
    --env LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8 \ #   (   ,      )
    --env TZ=Asia/Yekaterinburg \ #   (   ,      )
    --env USER_ID="$(id -u)" \ #    (       )
    --hostname repmgr-{{.Node.Hostname}} \ #  
    --mode global \ #       
    --mount type=bind,source=/etc/certs,destination=/etc/certs,readonly \ #     (   ,      )
    --mount type=bind,source=/mnt/gfs/repmgr,destination=/var/lib/postgresql/gfs \ #    
    --mount type=volume,source=repmgr,destination=/var/lib/postgresql \ #  
    --name repmgr \ #   
    --network name=docker \ #  
    --publish target=5432,published=5432,mode=host \ #   
    --publish target=5433,published=5433,mode=host \ #   
    rekgrpth/repmgr #   

So, the entrance to the container


exec 2>&1
set -ex
if [ -n "$GROUP" ] && [ -n "$GROUP_ID" ] && [ "$GROUP_ID" != "$(id -g "$GROUP")" ]; then #          , 
    groupmod --gid "$GROUP_ID" "$GROUP" #   
    chgrp "$GROUP_ID" "$HOME" #      
if [ -n "$USER" ] && [ -n "$USER_ID" ] && [ "$USER_ID" != "$(id -u "$USER")" ]; then #          , 
    usermod --uid "$USER_ID" "$USER" #   
    chown "$USER_ID" "$HOME" #      
exec "$@" #   

The supervisor launches the following services

1) / etc / service / ssh
, switchover.


exec 2>&1
realpath "$0"
set -ex
ssh-keygen -A #   
exec /usr/sbin/sshd -D -e #  ssh-

, ( , )


exec 2>&1
exec sed 's|^|ssh: |'

2) / etc / service / postgres


exec 2>&1
install -d -m 0750 -o "$USER" -g "$GROUP" "$PGDATA" #    
install -d -m 1775 -o "$USER" -g "$GROUP" /run/postgresql /var/log/postgresql #     
rm -f /run/postgresql/ #   
realpath "$0"
set -ex
chmod 755 supervise
chown "$USER":"$GROUP" supervise/ok supervise/control supervise/status #    
rm -f "$PGDATA/" #  pid
primary="$(test -f "$HOME/gfs/primary" && cat "$HOME/gfs/primary")" #    
test -n "$primary" || echo -n "$(hostname)" >"$HOME/gfs/primary" #    ,   -  
primary="$(test -f "$HOME/gfs/primary" && cat "$HOME/gfs/primary")" #    
test -n "$primary" # ,    
chown "$USER":"$GROUP" "$HOME/gfs/primary" #  
if [ "$primary" != "$(hostname)" ]; then #     , 
    test -d "$PGDATA/base" || /etc/service/postgres/standby #     -  
    test -f "$PGDATA/standby.signal" || /etc/service/postgres/rejoin #      ,      
else #  (  - )
    test -d "$PGDATA/base" || /etc/service/postgres/primary #     -  
test -d "$PGDATA/base" # ,     
exec chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" -L /run/postgresql/ postmaster #  

, ( , )


exec 2>&1
exec sed 's|^|postgres: |'


exec 2>&1
realpath "$0"
set -ex
chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" /etc/service/repmgr/conf #    repmgr
primary="$(test -f "$HOME/gfs/primary" && cat "$HOME/gfs/primary")" #    
test -n "$primary" # ,   
chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" repmgr standby clone --config-file="$HOME/repmgr.conf" --verbose --fast-checkpoint --dbname="host=$primary user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2" #    


exec 2>&1
realpath "$0"
set -ex
primary="$(test -f "$HOME/gfs/primary" && cat "$HOME/gfs/primary")" #    
test -n "$primary" # ,   
chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" pg_ctl --options="-c listen_addresses=''" --wait start #    (   pg_rewind)
chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" pg_ctl --wait --mode=fast stop #   (   pg_rewind)
chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" repmgr node rejoin --config-file="$HOME/repmgr.conf" --verbose --force-rewind --no-wait --dbname="host=$primary user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2" || mv -f "$PGDATA" "${PGDATA}_$(date "+%F %T")" #      (   -       )


exec 2>&1
realpath "$0"
set -ex
/etc/service/postgres/init #  
/etc/service/repmgr/init #  repmgr


exec 2>&1
realpath "$0"
set -ex
cd "$PGDATA" && chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" initdb #  
chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" /etc/service/postgres/conf #   
chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" /etc/service/postgres/hba #   


exec 2>&1
realpath "$0"
set -ex
cat >>"$PGDATA/postgresql.conf" <<EOF

archive_command = '/bin/true' #  
archive_mode = on #  - 
datestyle = 'iso, dmy' #   
listen_addresses = '*' #  
max_logical_replication_workers = 0 #   
max_sync_workers_per_subscription = 0 #   
ssl_ca_file = '/etc/certs/ca.pem' #   
ssl_cert_file = '/etc/certs/cert.pem' #  
ssl_key_file = '/etc/certs/key.pem' #   
ssl = on #  ssl


exec 2>&1
realpath "$0"
set -ex
echo >>"$PGDATA/pg_hba.conf"
ip -o -f inet addr show | awk '/scope global/ {print $4}' | sed -E 's|.\d+/|.0/|' | while read -r net; do #    
    echo "host all all $net trust" #   
done >>"$PGDATA/pg_hba.conf"

3) / etc / service / repmgr


exec 2>&1
install -d -m 1775 -o "$USER" -g "$GROUP" /run/postgresql #   
rm -f /run/postgresql/ #   
test -f /run/postgresql/ || exit $? # ,    
realpath "$0"
set -ex
chmod 755 supervise
chown "$USER":"$GROUP" supervise/ok supervise/control supervise/status #    
chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" pg_ctl status # ,   
primary="$(test -f "$HOME/gfs/primary" && cat "$HOME/gfs/primary")" #    
test -n "$primary" # ,   
if [ "$primary" != "$(hostname)" ]; then #     , 
    test -f "$HOME/repmgr.conf" || /etc/service/repmgr/standby #    ,   
    chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" repmgr standby register --config-file="$HOME/repmgr.conf" --verbose --force #     
else #  (  - )
    test -f "$HOME/repmgr.conf" || /etc/service/repmgr/primary #    ,   
    test ! -f "$PGDATA/standby.signal" || /etc/service/repmgr/promote #       ,     
    chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" repmgr primary register --config-file="$HOME/repmgr.conf" --verbose --force #    
exec chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" -L /run/postgresql/ repmgrd --config-file="$HOME/repmgr.conf" --verbose --daemonize=false #   repmgr

, ( , )


exec 2>&1
exec sed 's|^|repmgr: |'


exec 2>&1
realpath "$0"
set -ex
chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" /etc/service/repmgr/conf #  


exec 2>&1
realpath "$0"
set -ex
chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" createuser --superuser repmgr #  
chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" createdb repmgr --owner=repmgr #  
chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" /etc/service/repmgr/conf #  


exec 2>&1
realpath "$0"
set -ex
chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" repmgr standby promote --config-file="$HOME/repmgr.conf" --verbose #     


exec 2>&1
realpath "$0"
set -ex
cat >"$HOME/repmgr.conf" <<EOF
conninfo='host=$(hostname) user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2' #      
data_directory='$(echo -n "$PGDATA")' #    
event_notification_command='/etc/service/repmgr/event "%n" "%e" "%s" "%t" "%d"' #   
failover='automatic' #   failover
failover_validation_command='/etc/service/repmgr/valid "%n" "%a"' #   
follow_command='repmgr standby follow --config-file="$(echo -n "$HOME")/repmgr.conf" --wait --upstream-node-id=%n' #   
node_id=$(hostname | grep -oE '\d+') #   
node_name='$(hostname)' #   
promote_command='repmgr standby promote --config-file="$(echo -n "$HOME")/repmgr.conf"' #   
repmgrd_service_start_command='sv start repmgr' #    
repmgrd_service_stop_command='sv force-stop repmgr' #    
service_promote_command='pg_ctl --wait promote' #    
service_reload_command='sv reload postgres' #     
service_restart_command='sv force-restart postgres' #    
service_start_command='sv start postgres' #    
service_stop_command='sv force-stop postgres' #    
ssh_options='-q -o ConnectTimeout=10' #   ssl
standby_disconnect_on_failover=true #   failover
use_replication_slots=true #   



exec 2>&1
realpath "$0"
set -ex
chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" /etc/service/repmgr/hba #    
chpst -u "$USER":"$GROUP" cat >>"$PGDATA/postgresql.conf" <<EOF #    

hot_standby = on #   
max_replication_slots = 10 #     
max_wal_senders = 10 #    
shared_preload_libraries = 'repmgr' #  repmgr
wal_level = 'hot_standby' #    
wal_log_hints = on #    pg_rewind


exec 2>&1
realpath "$0"
set -ex
echo >>"$PGDATA/pg_hba.conf"
ip -o -f inet addr show | awk '/scope global/ {print $4}' | sed -E 's|.\d+/|.0/|' | while read -r net; do #    
    echo "host replication repmgr $net trust" #    repmgr
    echo "host repmgr repmgr $net trust" #  repmgr  repmgr
done >>"$PGDATA/pg_hba.conf"
cat >>"$PGDATA/pg_hba.conf" <<EOF

local replication repmgr trust #    repmgr
host replication repmgr trust #    repmgr
host replication repmgr ::1/128 trust #    repmgr

local repmgr repmgr trust #  repmgr  repmgr
host repmgr repmgr trust #  repmgr  repmgr
host repmgr repmgr ::1/128 trust #  repmgr  repmgr

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