The digest of fresh materials from the world of the front-end for the last week No. 411 (April 13-19, 2020)

We bring to your attention a selection with links to new materials from the frontend area and around it.

Media     |    Web Development     |    CSS     |    Javascript


podcast CSSSR podcast: New Github, Three.js, SVG tariffs, frontendbookmarks, Vue 3 Beta.2, git and Oracle security releases
podcast UnderJS Podcast # 19 - Cypress, Material UI and just about OpenSource
video AvitoTech x FrontendConf 2019: videos from six Oleg Bunin conferences in 2019 and one in 2020
video Video from Odessa Frontend MeetUps # 14 and 15

Web development

habr Browser on guard of API requests: building secure front-end communication with the back-end
habr Working with images on the web
en Front-End Challenges: a selection of services where you can test your knowledge
en Creating a website with documentation using JAMstack
en JAMstack ecosystem [Infographics]
en Lessons extracted when creating PWA on COVID-19


habr Interesting CSS finds in the new Facebook design
habr LCH colors in CSS
en Inserting pseudo-random illustrations using CSS
en Using CSS to place text inside a circle
en Create responsive CSS Motion Path? Of course we can!
en CSS Animation Timeline: Creating the Goldberg Machine
en Limited CSS grids without max-width.
en Creating morphing animations using CSS clip-path
en CSS scrollbar with progress indicator
en Creating responsive layouts without using media queries


habr Touch support in JavaScript
en jQuery 3.5.0 release
en html5-boilerplate: github discussion, should jQuery upgrade to 3.5.1 or ... delete?
en JavaScript performance best practices
en TypeScript migration strategies
en 23+ advanced JavaScript interview questions (with answers)
en Frontend Shorts: how to create a tool to view link contents using React, Vue and Vanilla JavaScript

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Last week's digest .
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .

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