FOSS News No. 12 - review of free and open source news for April 13-19, 2020

Hello everyone!

We continue to review the news of free and open source software and hardware (and a bit of coronavirus). All the most important thing about penguins and not only in Russia and the world. The participation of the Open Source community in the fight against COVID-19, the 15th anniversary of Git, the FreeBSD report for the first quarter, a couple of interesting interviews, 4 fundamental innovations that Open Source brought, and much more.

Important note - from this issue we are trying to change the format of FOSS News for better readability and better compilation. Approximately 5-7 main news will be selected, the description of which will be allotted to the paragraph and picture, and similar ones will be combined into one block. The rest will go in a short line list for one sentence to the news. A separate block will be about releases. We welcome feedback on the new format in the comments or private messages.

Top news

Coronavirus Control

Traditionally, we start with the news from the front of the fight against coronavirus, in that part with regard to open source software and iron:

  1. Verizon Introduces Open Source Coronavirus Database Search Engine [->]
  2. [->]
  3. Linux [->]
  4. Renesas Electronics [->]
  5. Raspberry [->]
  6. () [->]
  7. Red Hat Summit 2020 28-29 - [->]

Git 15-

The first release of the Git version control system took place on April 7, 2005 - 15 years ago. Git started as hard currency for the Linux kernel, since the license used in BitKeeper that had been used before was changed. But by now, Git has significantly outgrown its original role of hard currency only for the core, becoming the basis for the development of almost any free, open, and even proprietary software around the world.

Since its introduction in 2005, Git has evolved into an easy-to-use system, while retaining its original qualities. He is surprisingly fast, efficient in working with large projects and has an excellent branch system for non-linear development , ”write Scott Chacon and Ben Straub in their book“ Git for a Professional Programmer ”.

Related links:

  1. podcast featuring three development leaders ;
  2. An interview published on github with the project maintainer, Junio ​​Hamano ;
  3. note on Habré to anniversary .

FreeBSD First Quarter 2020 Report

A report on the development of the FreeBSD project from January to March 2020 has been published, reports OpenNET. The report contains information on general and system issues, security issues, storage and file systems, hardware support, applications and port systems.


LLHD Project - Universal Hardware Description Language

On Habré an interesting article is presented about the open universal language for describing hardware. The authors showed that the techniques traditional for compilers of programming languages ​​can be quite successfully applied to the languages ​​of "iron". A new intermediate hardware description language was developed, prototypes of the translator from SystemVerilog, a reference interpreter and LLHD JIT simulator that showed good performance, ” the article writes.

The authors note the following advantages of the new approach, we quote:

  1. Existing tools can be greatly simplified by translating to LLHD as a working presentation.
  2. IR LLHD , , .
  3. , HDL.
  4. - .
  5. .
  6. , .

Open Source has established itself as a leading way of software development.

Approximately 80% of the IT stack in companies around the world consists of Open Source software. JaxEnter has a great interview with Red Hat developer Jan Wildeboer on this subject. Answers are given about what Open Source is personally for Jan, what is the state of Open Source today, what is its future, what are the ethical principles of use, what are the differences between free and open source software, how the use of Open Source affects the internal processes of Red Hat and other issues .


Interview with Alexander Makarov about Open Source, conferences and Yii

On Habré there was a big interview with the developer of the PHP Yii framework Alexander Makarov. Various topics were discussed - IT conferences in Russia, remote work and work abroad, Alexander’s personal offline business, and, of course, the Yii Framework itself.


4 great innovations we owe Open Source

Ask someone to list a few open source innovations, and they will most likely talk about Linux, Kubernetes, or some other specific project. But not Dr. Dirk Riehl, professor at the University of Friedrich-Alexander Erlangen-Nuremberg. Rile has been researching and writing about open source for over a decade, and when he writes about open source innovation, he thinks about the more fundamental elements that innovative code provides.

These are the fundamental elements that Open Source has changed:

  1. the laws;
  2. processes
  3. tools;
  4. business models.


Short line

News and interesting new materials of the last week:

  1. How to make a video from the presentation: UNIX way [->]
  2. Updated Linux Mint 2020 Innovation List [->]
  3. Fedora 32 [->]
  4. [->]
  5. Uber [->]
  6. GitHub [->]
  7. numpy, scikit pandas 100 Rust LLVM: Weld [->]
  8. IBM Open Mainframe Project , COBOL [->]
  9. MindsDB 3 Open Source ML [->]
  10. SUSE SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop Windows [->]
  11. 5 Open Source [->]
  12. Vapor IO Synse, Open Source [->]
  13. Open Source 5G [->]
  14. Banana Pi R64 OpenWrt, ? [->]
  15. FairMOT, [->]
  16. ProtonMail Bridge [->]
  17. KWinFT, KWin, Wayland [->]
  18. Foliate – GNU/Linux [->]
  19. Open Source [->]
  20. Linux AMD [->]
  21. ASUS , Open Source NVIDIA [->]
  22. [->]
  23. GNOME Mutter [->]
  24. Facebook Intel Xeon Linux [->]
  25. Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 [->]
  26. -? [->]
  27. ns-3 [ 1-2, 3, 4]
  28. Linux [->]
  29. GCC 10 PVS-Studio [->]
  30. PowerShell Ubuntu ( - ) [->]
  31. Ubuntu 20.04 [->]
  32. Cloudflare BGP [->]
  33. Zimbra [->]
  34. 12 GNU/Linux [->]

  1. DNS- BIND 9.11.18, 9.16.2 9.17.1 [->]
  2. Chrome 81.0.4044.113 [->]
  3. Firefox Preview 4.3 Android [->]
  4. Git – [->]
  5. GNU Awk 5.1 [->]
  6. GNU Guix 1.1 [->]
  7. Inkscape 0.92.5 1.0 [->]
  8. Mattermost 5.22 [->]
  9. Mir 1.8 [->]
  10. - NGINX 1.17.10 [->]
  11. NGINX Unit 1.17.0 [->]
  12. OpenVPN 2.4.9 [->]
  13. Oracle [->]
  14. Windows- Linux Proton 5.0-6 [->]
  15. Snort [->]
  16. Solaris 11.4 SRU 20 [->]
  17. TimescaleDB 1.7 [->]
  18. VirtualBox 6.1.6 [->]

That's it, until next Sunday!

Thanks to for their work, a selection of English sources for my review is taken from there. I also express many thanks to OpenNET , a lot of news material was taken from their site.

In addition, I thank Umpiro for their help in selecting the sources and preparing the review. If anyone else is interested in preparing reviews and has the time and opportunity to help, I will be glad to write to the contacts listed in my profile or in private messages.

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