The digest of interesting materials for the mobile # 341 developer (on April 13 - 19)

In the new digest, a million and a million steps shooter, test scaling and migration to Kotlin, wave function collapse and healthy sleep, app landing pages and ugly interfaces.

The story is good in that, in addition to the happy end, it also describes major misses, thanks to which invaluable experience is gained. And most importantly - the guys are happy to share all the details and the list of rakes that they collected on this long journey.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And daily we send news in the Telegram channel .


(+2)  Test yourself in Swift: a puzzle for puzzle lovers
iPhone SE: a powerful new smartphone in a classic compact design
Guide for testing iOS subscriptions
Playing advanced Lottie animations
Easy ways to create animations in Swift
Analyze Swift code using SourceKitten
Make Swift API client using Generics, Codable and Combine
Create dominoes on SwiftUI
7 best resources for learning SwiftUI
15 useful iOS books and courses to help you become better
How to use Google Maps SwiftUI SDK
Lidar: a look into the future with iPad Pro
RoundCode: round QR codes
TagsList: tag cloud for iOS


(+17)  Scaling android testing in Odnoklassniki
(+12) Tcl / Tk. Alternative file explorer for Linux and Android platforms
(+6)  How we added Harmony OS support to the inDriver Android application
(+4)  Using the Snappy key-value database in Android
(+3) Declarative programming of client-server applications on Android
(+2)  Slider component from the material design library
Migration Duolingo Android-app 100% Kotlin
on Google Play, there were "approved by the teachers' applications and a children's section
All Android the Broadcast # 12: How to pass the interview in a dream company
Colonist library: finding classes when compiling an Android application
Adventure in Compose - Doom fire effect
Working with updates in an application in Android
Android Jetpack Navigation from the point of view of an iOS developer
Evolution of Adapters in Android
Animations in Jetpack Compose using Transition
Understanding the Android build process: what is Dalvik (JIT) , ART (AOT), D8, R8?
Coroutines: first things first
AnimeXStream: watching Anime
Blitz: relative time for TextView
kmpapp: Kotlin Multiplatform and MVVM


(+30) We  deal with the wave function collapse algorithm
(+25)  How to prepare the game for porting to PC and console
(+19) Design is a design, not the beauty of pictures
(+15)  Flutter. Asynchrony and parallelism
(+10) DevOps tools not only for DevOps. The process of building a test automation infrastructure from scratch
(+7)  Personalized interface. Part 2. Automatic navigation settings
(+6)  EU warns: privacy cannot be violated under the pretext of coronavirus
(+5)  Unity Addressables: there is always enough memory
(+3)  UX-research of RBS: our experience, mistakes and discoveries
(+3)  When to stop the process of recognizing a video sequence?
(+2)  An alpha version of the MANU game engine has been released
(+2)  Flutter support has been added to CodePen
Podlodka # 159: Healthy Sleep
Saint AppsConf 2019 video
Scratch is in the Top 20 popular programming languages
New Developer Economics report
How we reduced the cost of using the Google Maps API by 94%
The main command functions of GitHub became free
Why I love ugly and complex interfaces (and you probably too) Group launches Games Cup 2020
Apple and Google create a contact tracking system
1 million steps, or how to develop an application for yourself
Real return on investment in UX: B2B redesign cases
Optimization of mobile 3D projects
How to deal with dismissal if you are a developer
Flutter and Zeplin: speed up the development process through design
Real-time messenger on Flutter
If you want to become a Senior developer, stop focusing on syntax
Top 10 widgets for developing Flutter applications
Build a React Native application with Expo
Design Guide: top bar
I redesigned the infamous IOWA application in 30 minutes
Four reasons why everyone but scientists write sloppy code

Analytics, marketing and monetization

(+1) Objective testing of quality indicators using Customer Journey Map
Roskomnadzor will block pirates in the App Store and Google Play
LOVEMOBILE # 05: Bidease
40% of mobile players use bots
myTracker started beta testing APIs for direct event transfer between servers
make sense: about Value nurturing, subscription model and content in the product
Hypnopedia became a product of the day at Product Hunt
Apple Search Ads may go beyond the App Store
Number of mobile impressions advertising has grown
Pengea: work for beginners
LPFMA: landing pages for mobile applications
ESRB started tagging games with lootboxes
iOS share in the USA is growing
Experience instead of money: how to (not) make money on a mobile application in Russia
How the prioritization of tasks in the backlog saved the company from closure during the pandemic. Stories of the launch of three products from Vitaly Myshlyaev

AI, Devices, IoT

(+39)  Modifying MQTT Proxy
(+30) How we learned to recommend films and why you should not rely only on ratings
(+9)  We assemble the simplest ZigBee network, program under Mbed, we communicate through MQTT
(+7)  What is the new nRF Connect SDK for Nordic? Evolution, revolution or alternative?
(+4)  Data visualization for open-source unmanned vehicles from Uber
ICQ New launches competition for bot developers
TensorFlow Lite Model Maker accelerates the deployment of AI models
Google will release its own processor
Teach a computer to jump with a strafe in Quake with reinforcement learning
Best Google AI tools for everyone

Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or if you find a mistake, please send it to the mail .

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