Things I would like to know before developing my own game

For the last two years, in my free time from my main job, I have been developing a personal project - a game that I released on Steam a couple of months ago. Throughout the process, I made a lot of mistakes and kept notes for my β€œpast self.” This list may not apply to your game in particular, nor to your engine or language (I used Unity and C #). But I believe that these tips can help someone. Go.

Things I would like to know before starting work on my own game.

  • Making a complex and polished game that you can release and even have a small chance of success will be 100 times harder than you can imagine. I am not exaggerating.
  • Use the correct unit scale from the start, especially if you have physics in the game. In Unity, 1 unit = 1 meter. Wrong scale will make your physics weird.
  • Sprites must be made and imported with a consistent size, DPI, PPU.
  • Make sure the sprites are POT. Or pack them in atlases.
  • Turn on crunch compression on all sprites where you can (POT + crunch can easily turn 1.3 MB into 20 KB)
  • Create a UI from components that can be reusable.
  • Name the UI components sequentially to make them easy to find.
  • Make a play style guide early on.
  • C# . .
  • magic strings string constants. Unity Editor, - β€” . .
  • . 2 , 4 30 .
  • . , .
  • (, , ). , , , , . , , .
  • public static C#.
  • . , . , .
  • . , c . 300 , , , 30 , , .
  • , . , .
  • β€” , .
  • ScriptableObjects, JSON. .
  • . , . «» , .
  • - β€” 1-- . , .
  • . .
  • Discord Reddit.
  • (Win, Linux, Mac).
  • . Unity - : 100- .
  • GameObjects , MonoBehaviour. , . , , .
  • UI , . .
  • Unity Editor. onClick.AddListener .
  • , Unity Editor . - , , YAML-, . , , [SerializeField].
  • . Unity Editor, [SerializeField].
  • .
  • β€” , , .. . Β« Β» , - , if .. .
  • . .
  • . , , , Steam .. .
  • , , . , . .
  • TextMeshPro .
  • iTween. LeanTween .
  • 2D Unity 2D-. 3D, Nvidia Physx Box2D.
  • Debug.Break() . .
  • . , , β€” . , 32 . , (Edit > Project Settings > Graphics > Shader Loading).
  • .
  • LayoutGroup , Canvas, Update, .
  • - Unity. , , - .
  • Asset Store Liabilities. , .
  • Unity Crash Reporting. . , , .
  • , . . Unity Crash Reporting β€” , . - , , , .
  • UI . . , .
  • , PID- ( ), β€” . .
  • , , . , Visual Studio Code β€” .
  • , , . , / . , Steamworks.NET.
  • Unity , . , , . , .
  • . , , , ..
  • . .
  • . - UI β€” . / ..
  • PlayerPrefs. .
  • 1 .
  • 4 , . , . ( , β€” ). , .
  • If you are not a celebrity with> 10K fans, then spamming about playing on Twitter will be useless. The hashtag #gamedev moves at a speed of several messages per second - most likely neither your game nor what you recently did will care. Better get your hands on development.

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