Web Developer Resources: APIs and UI Elements

In our blog, we prepared several digests with open source benchmarks of Linux-servers for system administrators ( one , two ). Today we’ll talk about open tools for web developers.

Under the cut are resources with vector and SVG icons and APIs.

Photos - Hal Gatewood - Unsplash

Public APIs

This is an aggregator of open APIs from services developed by large IT companies like Google, TripAdvisor and Mailchimp, as well as enthusiasts with GitHub. The author of the platform is front-end developer Mohd Danish, who also introduced Tweet Jobs, a job search service .

What is interesting : the library has more than 680 APIs. All of them are divided into 50 categories, which include: medicine , weather , news , information security , open data , cloud storage , machine learning . The list of software interfaces has tools for processing natural speech ,Scraping , GitLab automation and others. Search helps you navigate. The API can be searched by keywords and by the development company.

Attention : The base replenishes rather slowly, but you can independently suggest the missing APIs. There is no specification of software interfaces on the site, and in order to learn more about the tool, you have to open the documentation.

Bonus : Danish also launched NoCodeAPI , ready for use without modifications to the backend code - for example, allowing you to convert XML or RSS to JSON or configure hooks in Slack.

Open ui

A list with libraries of components (buttons, check boxes, radio buttons) for web pages. The resource is supervised by engineers from WICG (Web Platform Incubator Community Group), which is owned by the W3C consortium and designs standards for the web. The authors are convinced that with the Open UI, developers will not reinvent the wheel and waste time re-creating components.

Screenshot: Open UI / Button page

What's interesting : The main design systems are presented: Ant Design, Atlaskit, Carbon Design System, FastDNA, Lightning Design System and many others.

Attention: To search for additional information on each design system, you need to contact the source. Corresponding links are placed at the top of the page, so you have to rewind it regularly up. The resource itself is not completed - the authors supplement the information on design systems for selection buttons , sliders and tables .

What else : Those who wish can contribute and document any collection of assets for designing multi-platform UIs. Instructions and requirements are given on the site .


Library of vector icons from the developers of the Freepik photo stock. It is supplemented by 370 independent authors . The site offers more than 500 thousand images in PNG, SVG, EPS and PSD formats.

Screenshot: Flaticon / Main page

Advantages : Icons are divided into 10 thousand sets, which simplifies the search. Among the popular categories can be distinguished: construction , clothing , pets , there is even a coronavirus , quarantine and emergency situations . Before downloading images, you can change their color in a special editor - for the entire collection at once or individually. Also Flaticon offersgenerator of ornaments - repeating images that can be used as a backdrop on the site.

Disadvantages : To access all the functions of the site, registration is required. Not all icons are free, but for premium content you need to pay 10 euros per month. Free images may only be used with attribution.

Bonus : Another resource with free SVG images for web developers is Sparkk . To paste the icons on the site, just copy the appropriate HTML-code.

We at 1cloud.ru offer the Cloud Storage service . It is convenient to keep backups, archives and corporate documents in it.

Storage systems are based on three types of drives: HDD SATA, HDD SAS and SSD SAS. Their total volume is several thousand terabytes.

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