The Awakening of a Sleeping Institute: How We Remove Python Walkers from REAPER


For more than a week now I have been hanging around thinking about writing this article. True, the main motivation at first was that lately I lacked content and wanted to dilute the coronavirus agenda a bit. However, then articles appeared about the robotic harvester, hacking the archive with bitcoins and other validity, and I, it was decided that it was not the time to launch the immature material.

, , , PyPi reapy v0.6.0: , Python Reaper DAW.

: reapy, Python REAPER.


DAW, , . , — . , REAPER :

— . — .

, API 4‑ open-source .

C++, eel, lua Python; , -, , , .

, — , , . , : SWS, ReaPack ( npm) , JS_ReaScript.

eel , C, .. , , .. — : . , eel : ( lua Python), ( C++), , API . , DSP MIDI ( VST, JSFX).

Lua - : , , ReaPack . , , , Reaper , — . , luarocks , - *.lua, , .


- Python, , CMake. , .

  • , , ( , , ). Linux dev-, .
  • , , , , numpy .
  • GUI. lua eel gfx*, LICE ( Cokos WDL), C++ WDL ; Python sucks. , tkinter, pyqt , .. main loop, (defer).
  • , Python, - : , , Reaper, , , , . , API .. , Z :)

, , , Python , TCP Python . , - : ( ), , .

, —
Ring of omnipotence


GitHub, 2019 ( - ) Romeo Despres reapy, ReaScript API. , , . API ORM ( ), , - — «». pip, , , Reaper , - .

«» : , . reapy.core , . , . , : Python , , . core , .

. , , : , JS_ReaScript SWS. Linux. , SWS API — « » . . , SWS — «raw» API reapy.peascript_api.

, , C- Python ( , , , -. C- . JS_ReaScript reapy, .. , Cokos WDL, - GUI. , WDL , , .

, connect(host), reapy . Digital Audio Workstation, , , Reaper . — GUI, , , iOS Android, ? Reaper - , OSC ( -, Liine Lemur ), , , - API .

, «- ». , - -, , , - , .

, . , eel lua. , , , .


  • API
  • . , , ops… - . CI — .
  • « ». , , . , -, reapy setuptools pip, ReaPack.
  • GUI


, , , «». , , . , - , reapy mypy. , , , -. , - ( — ) «raw-API», , , , «raw-API» -, reapy. Actually, now, it turns out that in the coding process for the benefit of my beloved half of the work, I perform on the side of the library, which has become so prettier over the past six months. It seems to me that this is the meaning of open-source: use it, and push everything there that has caused you inconvenience.

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