We preserve vision on a remote site using a projector instead of a monitor - several unobvious nuances

My story

It so happened that from childhood I had tired eyes from prolonged sitting in front of the screen. A year and a half ago, I made SMILE and began to see very far, the question immediately became how to prolong this joyful state for as long as possible. The intuition and experience of going to the cinema suggested that the idea of ​​replacing a familiar monitor with a projector has the right to life, and preliminary google, although it contained conflicting forum content, did not kill this idea. In addition, the times when for the sake of the projector it was required to hang curtains on all sides, long ago, the brightness of modern projectors allows you to work in daylight.

Epson EH-TW650 was immediately ordered on computeruniverse (this is not an Epson advertisement, moreover, perhaps for our purposes they are not at all the best option, but more on that below). The screen for the first time was made of 12 Whatman paper neatly glued together, later I liked this option so much that I left it for good. Attached to the wallpaper using pins. Then there was a difficult period of taming the projector for use as a permanent screen for everyday work.

The diagonal turned out a little more than four meters (as far as the capabilities of the projector allowed). The initial impressions were mixed - gigantic letters caused attacks of glee and euphoria, and watching the movie plunged right into the action, making you forget about reality. On the other hand, it turned out that from prolonged exposure to such a screen, my head began to hurt and I felt heavy in my eyes.


Differences between the projector and the monitor in terms of exposure to the eyes

I do not pretend to be scientific, but based on articles on the subject and personal experience, I will single out two key types of screen effects on the eye.

  • Muscle tension of the eye due to the close distance to the object in question. It causes myopia
  • The harmful effect of the blue (and ultraviolet) portion of the light spectrum - causes a feeling of fatigue and headache

In the case of the monitor, all stress is done on the tension of the muscles, the effect of blue is relatively small, although it is present. In the case of the projector, the muscle tension due to the close distance leaves the word completely (a huge advantage), but the voltage because of the blue color flies into space. We have come close to what I am here for: to tell the habrovchanin how to level this effect and get the maximum from your projector. Through numerous experiments, over a year and a half I found a formula that I consider optimal.


What you will need to put up with and what to pay attention to

  • The very first thing you notice is the brightness and contrast settings. We want to reduce the damage from light colors (which contain a lot of blue) - I have a brightness of 20 and a contrast of 40, we can lower.
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Concluding, I emphasize the main thing. No matter how difficult all these manipulations may look, once done, you can sit in front of the screen without stress almost around the clock. The final effect is worth it. In this preset, the projector completely replay the monitor.

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