Microsoft 365 Virtual Training Day: Dive into Microsoft Teams

Webinar, April 24, 2020, 10.00-16.30

Current business expectations from IT and the rapid development of cloud services are changing the approach to working in companies fundamentally and transforming the daily work of IT departments. Modern communications - not just chats, calls or mail - this is the automation of business processes, and application integration, and ample opportunities for organizing collaboration that meet modern security requirements. Microsoft Teams continues to grow rapidly to be a single center for team work for companies from any industry and employees from different departments.

Sign up ! Well, the program is under the cut.


10.00 - 10.45Overview of Microsoft Teams features
Anton Borisov, Senior Business Solutions Trainer
10.45 - 11.45Microsoft Power Platform
, - , Microsoft
, , GGroupp
11.45 β€” 12.30Microsoft Teams
, Microsoft
12.30 β€” 13.15
13.15 – 14.30Mirosoft Teams
, Microsoft
14.30 β€” 14.50Β»
, Logitech .
, ,
14.50 – 15.10Yealink
15.10 – 16:30Microsoft Teams
, Microsoft; , i-Sys

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