How to get an interview or why aren’t you hired?

Not working and getting a ton of money is the dream of almost any person. But if you are not a busty, cute blonde who is ready for anything for her dream, you still have to work. 

And in order not to curse every day for spending your best years at this office, you need to be determined to go where you will be valued. Go through a couple of interviews and you're in a better place. What's so hard? I sincerely do not understand why many stumble at this stage, because everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

The most important thing is to show that you can be useful to the company, that you will benefit it ... and hear that you are not getting into the same hell from which you are fleeing.

So, Dante’s circles:

  1. Candidate Summary
  2. The candidate talks with the recruiter;
  3. Technical interview (their number is from 1 to infinity);
  4. Offer;
  5. Leaving the company.

Block 1. Summary

  1. The resume should be easy to read. Font, spaces, structure, sorted / numbered lists. The recruiter will still need his eyes.
  2. No mistakes in the resume . Phrase construction, punctuation, spelling.
    At first, a resume is your face, do not stain it. There are tech leads who care about spelling. Therefore, take care of yourself and your loved ones - write correctly!
  3. ? , , . 1 , , .
  4. = _. «»
    = CV__ = _
    . , . 100500 , «». .
  5. , . ( ? ! .)
  6. , CV , .

    • ()
    • ( , , ...)
    • (, / , , )

    • / ()
  7. ?

    • (. — )
    • ( , , , «Js Php Java Mobile Apps Developer»)
    • : 2 ( ).
      ? -?
      ? ? ( , )
      ? ? ( , , , )
  8. - , .

The usual resume for recruiters is created in two clicks on, and from a profile on LinkedIn you can make a beautiful pdf using

Block 2. First conversation with a recruiter

The recruiter saw your resume, read, studied (well, in most cases).
He asks to talk about what you are doing now not because he didn’t understand anything (although this happens), but because he needs to understand how you present yourself, how you will answer questions in a technical interview, how much it's nice to talk to you (well, and most likely to work).

What does he want to hear?

  1. . , — . — , . « , …»/ « , ...»( ). , , .
  2. . , :
    • , ;
      ( )
    • /, ;
      (. )
    • ;
      ( )
    • , ;
      ( )
    • 5 , ;
      ( - )
    • , , , .
      ( , )
  3. .  
    « Paper Company 100500 , N . junior, , , :… 3 , …. …, …»
  4. . , , — . , — « - - / / .».
  5. . , , , . ( , !)
  6. . , , , , , , .

    « … , , » «, , , » , , , .

    : « 100500 », « 10, 15»

If you are young, inexperienced or in a desperate situation, when not up to bargaining, then say bluntly: “I really need a job, I agree to your conditions.”

But in any case, you should have two approximate amounts in your head: the minimum amount for which you normally live a month, and the comfortable one with which you will go to the bar once a week.

If the conversation is in correspondence format:

    , , . — , .
    , — , ( !) .
    , , .
    — «», . -, .

Is the rejection response letter of an HR offer important?
To be fair, if the letter shows that the recruiter did not bother to waste time, look at your profile and sent an irrelevant letter, then he should not spend his time answering. If it is clear that the recruiter has studied your experience, achievements and sent an adequate letter in which the proposal is made specifically for you, and is not explicitly sent in the same form to another 10 similar candidates, then it’s worth answering. Even if the offer is irrelevant for you now, they may offer you something interesting in the future.

Block 3. Technical interview (personal)

Usually during a telephone conversation everything goes more or less decently. But a personal meeting at everyone acts magically and the candidate is revealed from unexpected sides.

What should not be done in an interview:

1. Do not say that at the previous place of work you sobbed for the first week in the toilet;

2. No need to talk about how you flew, but the pregnancy was an ectopic, a miscarriage happened and now you are again a careerist;

3. Do not cry! It’s hard for us, too, but we hold on!

4. Pushkin wrote obscene verses, but you are not Pushkin, therefore, do not swear;

5. No need to say that you are in conflict. Even if you like to argue with passion, it’s better not to tell stories about how you “went mad to bloody snot” with someone. Even on professional topics;

This recommendation will probably not help you, but try to calm down. You communicate with ordinary people, not with gods or ideals. Interviewers are also stressed, so we take a knife for an interview (no), and you take it (definitely not).

For interviews, interviewers and recruiters want you more so that everything works out, so that you come to the company and close the vacancy, because recruiting is long and hard.

Try to tune in to this wave and the interview will take place in a completely different vein.

You cannot be 100% prepared for an interview, but you need to prepare for it:

  • Be sure to refresh the key terms and topics on the classic component of your profession - Core programming language / testing theory / theory of business analysis, etc.
  • The process component of your work is the software development methodology and what aspects of this methodology are used on your project. For development, writing unit tests and code reviews is still important.
  • Auxiliary skills, for example, SQL, XML and so on.

Quotes from the candidates:

  1. “I am not ready for relocation, my father is a military man, and he does not need such relatives abroad”;
  2. « . . . . , , . , . . . . . . . . . »;
  3. « , Oracle. , »;
  4. : « , »;
  5. «: «QA»
    : »;
  6. “I'm a Machine and Deep Learning worm.
    I must say right away, be prepared that I want just an inadequate amount of money. Like how your director receives and multiply by two ”;
  7. "And you can eat at the computer?";

Quotes from the managers:

  1. “And it would be very good if after 2 weeks she abandoned the false faith and joined the right god (About working off with the previous employer)”;
  2. “I am ready to fight for this point of view on the sidelines (about holivar in FE)”;
  3. “IT users are more intellectually gifted than regular users. (End-users support) ";
  4. “Well, you know, you are an alternative candidate”;
  5. “Not knowing is not scary, not understanding your level is much worse”;
  6. «We definitely do not need a person, who comes to the technical interview, and for a question 'how do you approach to self-improvements' start a lecture on veganism, some voodoo-Hinduism and so forth»;
  7. « , »;
  8. « . »;
  9. «, XX , »;
  10. « , ».

4. -

« , , .
, — »

It is difficult to prepare for these issues, especially in a stressful situation, but please stay awake. Think before you say something.

  1. Are you a good programmer / tester / analyst ...?

    It doesn't matter yes or no, it matters - why? How did you come to the conclusion that you are a batman bad man? 

    • (I'm a Good person) You weren’t fired, you get a lot, you are praised at work - not the best options.

      You try to monitor the quality of the code (your work), you responsibly approach reasonable deadlines, you do not neglect testing, you help colleagues / share experiences with beginners, etc. - these options will win the heart of any interviewer.
    • (I’m a Bad person) , ; , (...), ; ,   — , « — ».
  2. . 
    , , «».
    -hr- — - . , - , .

    S — situation ( ? )
    T — task ( ?)
    A — action ( ?)
    R — result ( ?)
  3. ?

    small-talk, . .

    — . , ( «», ). , , , , . 
  4. , ?

    « » « ». , — « ,  ( ) , / ..»
  5. ?

    , .

    — ( ?). — , — . , , , .

    — , .. , , . , , , .
    Projective answer - I have Vanya, he is so cool. He knows most of all and will always tell you how to do it, he’s nice, he’s not afraid to turn to him for help, always in touch.

Block 5. Offer

There are 2 main patterns of behavior on the offer:

  1. Leaving go
  2. Haggle to get maximum loot

Both approaches have a right to exist, the first more noble and easier to communicate. 

  1. Leaving go. The position that I decided to leave, because Something doesn’t suit me and no convulsive bundles of money in the pursuit of me will stop me, it attracts the enthusiasm of recruiters. Think twice, as the current employer is not a stranger to you and you need to part with friends. 
  2. Bargain. The main thing is to remain within the agreed deadlines. You got an offer, ask N days to think. During this time, go to the head and ask what they can offer. If you are outbid, tell the boldly offending company that the current employer has proposed an interesting option and you are in serious doubt. Perhaps the new company will fill in more money. If the employer pulls the cat's tail, warn the new company about it. Believe me, they will wait for you if everything is done humanly, and not at the last moment.

There are many offers, but I am alone. How to choose from the N-th number of offers?

  • ZP . It’s easy - where more, go there. If this is not the most important and / or the order of the amounts differs slightly for your standard of living, then move on.
  • . , , , , — . — , ? ? , ? - ?

    , .
  • . , . , — , . , . , , , , .

    , , , .
  • The corporate culture of the company. Despite the fact that you will work with a specific, not an abstract team, still the fish rots from the head. If the company has “interesting” shareholders with “interesting” assets, or the company throws ashtrays at employees (and there is such a thing in Russian realities), then no excellent boss will save you. Yes, he will smooth the corners, but he will not save, and most likely he will soon sharpen his skis.

Block 5. Leaving the company

You leave the company, but the broken heart of the manager will never be whole again. Go away humanly, you still may need recommendations from your manager or HR. Moreover, it’s not a fact that you will become a favorite in the new team, but in the old you still have taken root and can ask for advice, unless, of course, you left a heap before leaving. 

What to do:

  • , . , , , , , . , , , , ;
  • . , « », , . . , ;
  • . , , , , . , ;
  • . — . , . — , , ;
  • farewell email. , , , . ( 20 ), , , - ;
  • Have a farewell party. Seriously, it's like an unscheduled birthday. Another reason to bring colleagues together and say how you worked great with them.

Briefly :

  • Be polite and attentive;
  • do not ssy excitement because You were not invited for an interview for fun, but because you are good;
  • stay awake please;
  • go to work where there is everything that is important to you;
  • Leaving the company, prove yourself more a friend than a colleague.

Be cool and everyone will want you!

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