Man in a bottle

As a child, I read the story of G. Meyrink with that name. The Eastern Prince organized a performance in a European town. According to the plot, a resident of the town known to the whole public is on stage in a large bottle. Pretty quickly he begins to make some signs to the public, to wave his hands. Glasses of the bottle distort the features of his face, it turns out very funny. The audience is dying of laughter, the prince is sitting on a bottle. Soon the man in the bottle falls to the bottom and calms down. The prince slips away at a convenient moment, the public is trying to understand what it was. It turned out that no air was entering the bottle. Their friend died. Before their eyes. Signs trying to explain that there is nothing to breathe. And they all rolled with laughter.

Little did I know that I myself will get into about the same situation. Being an honest teacher, he tried for years with the help of his articles to fight the life products of hundreds of language schools - advertising demagogy stuck in people's heads. He shouted, waved his hands ... Often there was not enough authority to force even people studying English to read. It is sad, of course, that in the 21st century these things still have to be explained, and people, often even smart ones, continue to be led by miraculous techniques, “remove the language barrier” and other English with native speakers ...

I would like to thank the audience of Habr for the warm welcome - just a couple of weeks after registration, I was 3rd in the ranking in popularity. Honestly - I didn’t even dream! And special thanks to the Habr administration - ALL of my articles were published in parallel in the public VK and fb.

I wrote these articles for 7 years, weighing every word, so that through a minimum of text I can convey what I NEED to know to everyone who studies foreign languages. There are no printed words to describe what is happening in the field of their teaching today. You all helped me a lot in this fight - a huge number of people clearly read the articles, started adding to friends on VK and on fb, wrote a lot of gratitude to everyone in PM.

The topic of learning foreign languages ​​is a burning one, I regularly hear friends and strangers discussing it. And I understand that on both sides delusional opinions and advice of some bloggers, acquaintances, sites of language schools are broadcast.

Therefore, I decided (initially - just for my students, so as not to waste time in class) to write several articles. Students' questions revealed more and more unobvious (for many people) in the principles of studying foreign languages. This is the answer to those who pointed out in the comments that I decided to play Captain Evidence.

Ladies and gentlemen, I’m a practice teacher who has been working in full contact for years with huge flows of students (95% of the audience are leading universities in Moscow) and bringing them in 3 months from full / almost full zero to the level of confident construction of class proposals:

He is thought to have been working that night.

This road should have been repaired a long time ago.

This is with 2 lessons per week and a small dz. I apologize, but I definitely know better for the mass audience what is obvious and what is not. There are no platitudes in my articles - everything is from practice and is written in blood.

Now I’ll tell you a couple of interesting things, but first try to honestly answer 3 questions:

  1. There are only three tenses in Russian: present, past, future. At what time was the sentence “He brought the flowers” ​​drawn up?
  2. The present tense of the verb “sing” - “sing”, “go” - “go”. "To be"?
  3. If a house is being built NOW, it is “under construction”, right? The fence is now being painted - what is it? What kind of person is being beaten? Remember or write down your answers.

Several years ago, as a tutor, I worked with a boy who had a development level of 10-11 at the age of 14. "Robber" instead of "robber", etc. The level there was not even zero: in English they say this in the negatives, that is, a negative value - he did not understand anything about anything. For some reason, his parents thrust him into an English school and, naturally, he had a deuce there on deuce and drove the deuce there.

Each tutor at least once came across children who have absolutely empty eyes and who absolutely absolutely do not need anything. The explanation doesn’t work with these: as soon as you start explaining, they automatically go into energy saving mode: “Yes, I agree. Yes, I get it. ” You come next time, and there is such a zero, as if you had never existed on this planet. The case was just like that.

When submitting analytical disciplines, any sensible teacher uses leading questions. With this boy I had to bring the principle of leading questions to the absolute limit - no explanation - only questions, only hardcore. We worked with him for a year, and this year was all: tears, tantrums (why do you ask these questions, they never ask us such questions at school!), Despair (on both sides).

A year later, I brought him to first place in his class at an English school. It doesn’t sound very impressive - a year of work, first places in the class ... Over the year, children are brought to the Olympics. Initial indicators, however, allow us to consider the result outstanding. After he was the only one from the whole class who wrote a difficult control on 5, his elderly emotionless teacher wrote in large letters “well done” in the diary and three exclamation points — she remembered him too well the year before. The boy began to understand about English such patterns that not every graduate of the foreign language agency understands.

This experience turned out to be invaluable: the methods of entering heavy grammar that I developed specifically for him (the traditional ones just didn’t work with him), suddenly allowed to speed up the pace of work with any student at times. It was after this year of agony that I took up a series of articles posted on this blog. In addition, several fundamental teaching errors were identified:

  1. , . : 50% , « » . ? . – , . ?? , «» – «», «» «».
  2. , , , . – ? ! ! : 5- , . . . . : « . ?». 50% : «», «», «» .. , – ! , , «» «» ( , , ). «», . ( , , .). « » «» (. ).
  3. After three years of working with teachers, I have to admit: it’s not that students - very many foreign language teachers cannot distinguish the real guarantee from the passive in RUSSIAN in complex examples! Recently, I saw a very high-quality video of one beauty (she takes 5k for an individual lesson), where she stated that “they wash the car” - this is a liability (p. Pledge).

This is far from everything, but I don’t want to stretch the article very much. If these bugs are removed with a properly built exercise system, foreign languages ​​come in with a whistle. In a fantastically tight time frame. Throw this article to familiar teachers.


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