Scientists from MIT are developing a device that will allow at least partially control their dreams

There is a lot of information on the network about how to learn to see controlled dreams. Perhaps this is possible for someone, but in most cases a person simply โ€œfloatsโ€ according to the reality that the brain shows him during sleep. Now science is trying to learn how to control dreams - in particular, scientists from MIT are developing devices to provide feedback during sleep.

And this is not a fantasy - MIT has a specialized unit called the Dream Lab. It was founded back in 2017. As for the devices that its representatives are developing, they are trying to make them as portable as possible. Optimal - wearable. The purpose of the unit is to create a gadget or their system, which allows you to make dreams a kind of virtual reality.

This is something like Inception, only a dream can be controlled thanks to the Nintendo Power Glove .

Representatives of the development team say that people spend a third of their lives sleeping. And this time can be used with greater benefit than just dreaming.

Perhaps the development of the MIT department will allow a person to strengthen memory or improve creativity. Or at least wake up in a better mood than usual. As for the device that allows you to control your dreams, this is something like a glove, which the developers called Dormio. It is equipped with a host of sensors that determine not only whether a person is sleeping, but also are able to identify the phase of sleep in which he is.

When a person is no longer awake, but still not sleeping (hypnagogy stage), the device starts playing an audio recording, in most cases this is just one word. It helps a person begin to see a โ€œconsciousโ€ dream that can be controlled.

Hypnagogy is different in different people. Some of them, being awakened during this stage, claim to have seen very stable visual and audio hallucinations. And it was possible to interact with them.

It seems that the emerging visions can be influenced precisely at the stage of hypnagogy. During the experiment with 50 volunteers, most saw the tiger at this stage. This was achieved by reproducing the recording of the word "tiger". Simple and yet effective.

By the way, Dormio is not unusual. The developers suggested that everyone try to create a similar device according to their model, for which they posted the source code of the software and the device itself on Github. Perhaps this will help develop a really effective system for managing your dreams.

And, of course, this is better than virtual reality - if only because the immersion is really complete. You can fly, sing, have sex - and all this is as realistic as real life is.

Unfortunately, development cannot be called 100% effective. The problem is that for some people the โ€œmagicโ€ glove does not work at all. On others, it has a limited effect, which can hardly be called controlled sleep. Nevertheless, in the future, scientists hope to create a much more effective device that will allow you to immerse yourself in dreams and manage them.

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