The trend for isolation and pasta is more popular than buckwheat: April Fools quest results for IT people

On OTUS's birthday, we released a post about our achievements over 3 years and a small entertaining test “Will IT specialists save our 2020th?” . Now we sorted out the answers and fantasized how they could affect the usual way of life. Bonus - a curious insight, how did the team lead differ from other IT people.

Who participated, remembers that we proposed to choose an area in which projects seem more promising:

  • What will make life in isolation more comfortable and self-sufficient.
  • Ways to make public spaces safer, to control the epidemiological situation without locking people at home.

The question was a catch: isolation projects are a priori more realistic and commercially more profitable, but the idea of ​​introducing automatic disinfection of public transport and premises is much more desperate. Interestingly, the gap in answers is quite small.

Isolation Camp - these are projects that create the effect of a live presence:

  • Virtual classes, halls, stadiums, shops, offices using VR technology or holograms
  • Devices that transmit smells, tastes and tactile sensations.

And also a leap in improving the technology of SMART-home, contactless services. In general, not in vain admins and devs preferred this side. Competent deployment and system stability under high load are especially important here.

In the end, everyone tested the development of neural networks for VR technologies, it will work perfectly (Why did you do this? How to sleep at meetings now !?)

Disinfection camp is the automation of sanitary measures in the public space, as well as monitoring and controlling the flow of people in cities . And it is fortunate that more analysts have joined these projects / Date of Scientists - this is a real expanse for neural networks and computer vision technologies.

And it’s fortunate that most IT specialists keep a personal android for a rainy day, which can be sent in their place. Otherwise, there would be more victims of “field” testing.

Most professionals chose to work more slowly, but with an eye on quality. Great luck, because judging by the answers, clean code is the key to a sober team.

Here we found the same insight. Half of the team leaders and Project managers have chosen "Do it faster, while it's still relevant . " There is over to think about, right?

Everyone approached the missions as responsibly as possible and even almost unanimously chose to leave on the weekend. Not to say that this is such a sacrifice, judging by the fact that the work is done in between the approaches to playstation.

By the way, now it’s clear why it was necessary to buy toilet paper on an industrial scale.

There were few belligerent people, with an advantage in the direction of Isolation. After the exchange of DDOS attacks, the conflict quickly dried up, when the first disconnected the drones-sanitaries from the servers, and the Disinfection camp did not remain in debt and brought down contactless delivery services. This was a truce with the solemn refraction of pizza, and each plunged into more pressing problems.

We at OTUS fully share this decision - it is better to spend time on ourselves and become better than competitors than to wreck :)

It turned out to be difficult to choose priority projects by a general vote - the votes were divided almost equally for both features. Because Only one budget will be enough, by willful decision, team of leads and projects was chosen as follows:

  • Virtual Classroom Software for VR for Education
  • Auto disinfection car sharing service

Basically, the teams are firmly confident in the quality of work - if something does not work, it is the customer / user who did something wrong.

Timlids of the Disinfection projects were so unanimous in their opinion that nothing should distract the team from exploring the new Half-Life.

A small group of enthusiasts still began work on a service that predicts the future based on the Simpsons series. True, the process is hard - the neural network stably once a week predicts the destruction of mankind.

It is quite possible to understand those who decided not to spray on third-party projects. The teams began the race for an annual supply of masks, and I don’t want to miss remote corporate events.

Can IT people save the failed 2020? With such readiness to give all the best to 100% - definitely yes. And most likely the way people’s lives would become more isolated, built on SMART systems and virtual technologies. The main thing is to have enough skills (we will help with this!), And in the shops there were always pasta ... well, buckwheat.

Thanks to everyone who participated!

Our future technology store is open online around the clock . We are waiting for everyone who is striving to change the world for the better and make life more comfortable and safer!

By the way, share what project ideas would you propose for the Isolation and Disinfection path?

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