We invite you to DINS QA EVENING: talking about Postman and test coverage assessment methods

We invite testing engineers and all sympathizers to the first DINS QA EVENING in an online format. We meet on April 21 at 19:00.

At the meeting, Vitaly Sidukov from DINS will talk about how to optimize work with the API and start using Postman in work. Artyom Eroshenko from QametaSoftware will share ways to assess the coverage of tests written by test automation.

To participate, please register . The link to the broadcast will be sent on the day of the mitap.

Under the cut - a detailed program and information about the speakers.



19: 00-19: 40 - Semi-automated queries and the practical application of Postman in testing (Vitaliy Sidukov, DINS)

Vitaliy will introduce you to the Postman interface and features and tell how this tool helps testers to work. During the demo part, we will analyze examples of automation of checking API responses and see their application in action on real projects. The report will be of interest to manual testing engineers and those who want to optimize their work with the API.

Vitaliy - QA Automation Engineer at DINS. For many years he worked in the field of manual testing. Tested frontend and backend. Subsequently, he became interested in automated testing; he spent the last year working in the Core Java1 team.

19: 40-20: 30 - Visualization of coverage by web tests (Artyom Eroshenko, QametaSoftware)

Artyom will tell you how to get the most useful information from coverage reports, and will present several solutions for assessing the coverage of tests written by testing automation. The report will be of interest to everyone who writes web tests and monitors them.

Artyom - QA at QametaSoftware. More than 8 years engaged in the automation of testing web applications. During this time, he worked in different teams and roles: a test automation engineer, a manager of a testing tool development team, a leader of a testing automation group. Artyom has extensive experience working with popular tools: Selenium, HtmlElements, Allure, Jenkins. It programs mainly in Java, Groovy.

How to join:

Participation is free. On the day of the meeting, we will send a link to the broadcast to the email specified during registration .

How are the meetings

Records of previous mitaps can be viewed on our YouTube channel .

About us

DINS IT EVENING is a meeting place and exchange of knowledge of technical specialists in the fields of Java, DevOps, QA and JS. Several times a month we organize meetings to discuss interesting cases and topics with colleagues from different companies. We are open for cooperation, if you have an urgent question or topic that you want to share - write to itevening@dins.ru !

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