The philosophy of seclusion: how remote identification helps us out in difficult times

We are sure that self-isolation will end soon, we will put up with a virus that will continue to live next to us (as experts say), mutate and multiply. In the meantime, humanity is waiting, we are creating new consumer habits. Services and applications that were not so long ago auxiliary, and today come to the fore. We do not notice that many everyday services can be obtained only with full-time confirmation of identity. This can be done by presenting a passport (in some cases, another document equivalent to it), as a rule, to a responsible employee of the organization that provides us services. Despite the active transfer to digital rails of many state and municipal services, as well as services in the financial and insurance sectors, the initial application to the organization requires the presentation of a passport. But how to do that,when one side (the client) is forbidden to leave the house, and the other side (bank, insurance, notary, representative of the telecom operator) is in remote mode? Remote identity identification comes to the rescue here.


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