How the Kubernetes Evening School Works

Slurm launched Kubernetes Evening School: a series of free lectures and paid hands-on classes for those who study k8s from scratch.

Classes are taught by Marcel Ibraev, engineer at Southbridge, CKA, and Sergey Bondarev, engineer at Southbridge, SKA, one of the developers of kubespray with the rights to accept a pull request.

I post the records of the first week for those who, before registration, want to understand how everything is arranged with us.

Docker was taken apart in the first week. We had a specific task: to give the basics of Docker, sufficient for further work with k8s. Therefore, one week was allocated for it, and much remained behind the scenes.

First Day Record:

Record of the second day:

At the end of each lesson, the speaker gives homework.

We analyze this task in detail in practice:

We provide stands for students to complete the practice. In the practice chat there is a support team that explains the incomprehensible and looks for errors if the student does not succeed. After practice, we give the opportunity to create a stand at the touch of a button and repeat everything yourself.

If you like this format of training, join. Starting Monday, we are starting to take apart Kubernetes. There are 40 places left for paid practice.

Schedule of theoretical lectures:
20 : Kubernetes, . , , . Pod, ReplicaSet, Deployment
21 : Deployment, Probes, Limits/Requests, Rolling Update
28 : Kubernetes: Service, Ingress, PV, PVC, ConfigMap, Secret
11 : ,
12 : k8s . k8s
19 : Kubespray, Kubernetes
25 : Kubernetes. DaemonSet, StatefulSet, Pod Scheduling, InitContainer
26 : Kubernetes: Job, CronJob, RBAC
2 : DNS Kubernetes. k8s,
9 : Helm . Helm. .
16 : Ceph: « ». Ceph, . sc, pvc, pv
23 : cert-manager. ert-manager: SSL/TLS.
29 : Kubernetes, .
30 : Kubernetes
7 : . . Prometheus, Grafana
14 : .
21 : Kubernetes
28 : CI/CD
4 : Observability —

Enroll in the Clernetes Slurm Evening School

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If you are already in evening school, it’s easier to order practice here .

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