Your telegram seems to be flowing

This may seem like conspiracy theology, although the theory is very coherent.

On the habr more than once there was news with devastating publications about the holes in the telegram, the telegrams were demonstratively hacked.

It is worth recognizing that recently such news is less common. Google still has articles on hacking telegrams for free without registration and SMS. I did not check these recipes, if there is valuable information on hacking, you can share it in the comments.

We all watched the struggle of the valiant forces of Roskomnadzor and Pavel Durov. It was like a battle between good and evil, in the media about it there were bright headlines, news releases. As a result, there was an epic defeat on the part of evil officials and a brilliant victory over the forces of evil. It’s hard to imagine a cooler PR company.

The telegram made such an effective defense that it cannot be blocked! Incorruptible and uncompromising heroes fight for our information freedom with you. Is it so?

The main question that I had a long time ago is there really no good way to block a telegram? Was enough done to block the service? Or is it still PR, which was followed by a lot of people?

What if Telegram cooperating with the authorities in an implicit form, leaving loopholes and patching them, and ostentatiously ? But what if, explicitly, hiding behind its “impeccable reputation”, gathering a larger audience consisting of gullible users? Encryption of messages where the most valuable and secret is transmitted is a very bright marker for those who want to get useful data.

Oh, I hope I don’t make an instruction to block the telegram, which will be perceived as a call to action on the part of those who have the power to implement this plan.

Well, the telegram itself is mega-super-very cool. You cannot block it. These are our initial conditions. Horrrosho, what if you block even his web version? They also work like other SPA, through the IP address. Not a bad start, is it? Part of the audience will already experience inconvenience. But of course, what am I talking about, most users use applications, you say. And you will be right!

Therefore, step number two - let's block the site where you can download telegrams! This is also a regular SPA, what prevents it from doing this? This will not stop people who already use the cart, but the growth of the audience on desktops will obviously slow down.
But you will tell me that the main audience is mobile applications, and you will be right again! Here the most interesting ...

I was born and raised in Russia, but for the last few years I have been beyond its borders. Therefore, the topic with Linkedin blocking bypassed me. A few years ago I came home to visit and bought a new phone (there were big discounts). I decided to put a standard set of applications, including Linkedin. I was very surprised when I did not find it in the list of applications available for download.

Roskomnadzor entered LinkedIn into the register of violators of the law on personal data on November 17. A few days later, Russian telecom operators blocked access to the site in the country. However, the LinkedIn mobile application was available for Runet users. But even then, the representative of Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonsky promised the Izvestia newspaper that the agency would achieve a blocking of the social network application.

Link to the original

Well, you already understand what I mean? This will kill the largest sector and most of the audience. The ban on downloading and updating from devices and "Karachun you Tsereteli".

Shot from the movie "Zhmurki" (I wanted to portray evil officials who fulfilled my plan)

I really like telegrams - this is my favorite messenger. I do not care about the vulnerability that the authorities can read it, I love him. It only seems to be the only reason it can be used.

I am waiting for comments, it is interesting to listen to your opinion!

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