MANU game engine alpha released

So, the research process announced more than 3 years ago ended with the release of the alpha version. While it is minimalistic and tests the core: game development through a system of triggers and animations. In fact, instead of writing code, a special logical collider acts, which differs from other No-Code projects.

And who needs it?

If we tell the developer that thousands of creative personalities (who want to make games, but are not able to code) are drawn at the doors of the gaming industry, then the developer will run in horror to get a flamethrower or a hat from foil. However, the success of Dreams, sandboxes and No-Code engines shows that there is a demand for this task. Moreover, it grows every year and exceeds half a million active users: from children and the elderly to artists and screenwriters, who are simply afraid of heavy engines.

What is the difference precisely MANU?

Switches (triggers) so far make up the lion's share of logic. On top of a simple state machine, you can build logic either with physical objects (via the Bullet engine) or in your own unique way: by placing switches on the stage, each of which can trigger animations, including turning on / off other switches. This is how the difference between the grammar of the Russian and Georgian languages ​​is impossible to understand, you just need to remember and, of course, see:

How scalable is the idea?

Within the current alpha, it is impossible to go beyond the basic template, and with the help of triggers fairly simple designs are assembled: coins are selected, doors are opened with keys, and ghosts fly along given paths and kill the main character when touched. But the authors are preparing an aset system, a system of variables (in animations and in objects), improvement of formulas in animation and animation of most of the parameters available to the object. This is already a much more scalable idea, which, however, will have to wait.

The question of the performance of the final solution remains open: most likely, it is possible to achieve very serious indicators for the operation of even complex combinations of triggers at a level close to high-level languages ​​or visual programming.

Already provided with the engine demo games on modern hardware work in stable 60, 120 and 144 frames - they are synchronized to the user's monitor. And you can run games even on the latest generation of Intel Atom. The core of the project is written in C ++ and C, the graphics are built on OpenGL 3.3, and cross-platform and interface provides QT.

Right now, in alpha there is not even export of projects for any platforms, and you can replace a character only by changing resources, instead of importing it through the user interface, which once again emphasizes the early status and another goal - testing the kernel. But you can try this miracle for free (without SMS and registration). But there is no source code and, apparently, its publication in the foreseeable future is not implied.

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