Digital Banking Campus - internship program results

Friends, salute!

In December, we completed the recruitment for the Digital Banking Campus IT internship program. 3 months passed, our trainees got a little accustomed, and we asked them to share their stories.


The path of Yegor, Anna and Alexei, our trainees, to bank IT specialists is under the cut.

Egor, full-stack developer


I started my path in IT with information security. I entered the Faculty of Information Security of Authorized Systems and expected that there would be many different disciplines related to the direction of Computer Security, but in practice it turned out that a lot of attention is paid to information security management in information security.

I realized that I’m not very interested in managing, and about a year ago I began to study in depth programming languages, as well as some sections of computer security. Now I understand that development (whether it’s web development or the development of any information security systems) attracts me much more.

Last year at a job fair, he learned about the Digital Banking Campus internship and decided to give it a try. I was attracted to the fact that you can try to work on a real project in a real development team.

I like to work at Rosbank. We have a spacious and beautiful office with comfortable workplaces. There is a VkusVill machine, coffee shops and various relaxation areas, even a room with a PlayStation.


At first, my colleague and I worked on a small test web service written using the Python programming language and the Bottle framework. We are currently actively developing a web service. I feel my progress, in 3 months I managed to pump my technical knowledge. I really like our team lead, a responsible and determined person.

Anna, backend developer


I graduated from the bachelor of political science of Moscow State University, was going to be a lawyer and entered the magistracy of the International Law Faculty of MGIMO, direction “Financial Law”. As part of the course, part of the lectures were given by experts from the Central Bank, and from them I first learned about fintech. I became interested, and I decided to start coding in javascript and php. Initially, it was just a hobby, because At the same time, I worked in an Italian law firm, but by the end of my studies at MGIMO I realized that fintech is much more interesting. I quit the law firm and entered Geek University (Geek Brains) from For studies, I chose a more complex stack of technologies - Java / Spring, which is actively used in fintech.

In the fall, in one of the channels in Telegram I saw a post about recruiting Digital Banking Campus for the internship program of Rosbank. This internship involved working with microservices - an approach in which an application is split into several small applications, which simplifies support and adding new features. Technologies for this approach are constantly evolving and are the latest and most promising in enterprise development. I did not want to miss such an experience, I decided to try and did not lose.

Now I have been at Rosbank for several months. I work in an office in Armagh. Cool and creative space, near Winery and ArtPlay. Soon, when the restrictions introduced due to the virus end, we will move to a new cool office in Moscow City.


My team and I are working on a project to create a new mobile bank application for individuals (you will see it very soon), we are transferring the monolith to microservice architecture. I am involved in backend development. In this short time, we managed to learn several new technologies used on the project (from the Spring Cloud stack, a framework for developing microservices), and to study the solution architecture. One of the main difficulties of a java backend developer is that you need to own a lot of technologies, know a lot of frameworks. On the project, this is felt very sharply, so you have to study non-stop, even in the current conditions of remote work, which is not always simple, but quite real.

Fortunately, my senior colleagues are always ready to help, explain difficult points. The project has a team lead, managing scrum-teams, the main architect. My mentor is a senior developer who also directs the work of other programmers. We have a very cool team - cool guys, professionals, with whom you can consult and just chat. All are friendly, there is no dress code and corporate hierarchy.

Alexey, full-stack developer


And my father is a programmer. I always liked what he was doing, so I decided to try it too. I started programming at school, went to various competitions, and then I entered Baumanka. Now I am studying in the 4th year of the faculty “Computer Science and Computer Engineering”.

In the autumn on Instagram I saw an announcement about Rosbank's Digital Banking Campus. The internship attracted by the fact that it included an interesting direction for me and made it possible to participate in the development of a real project. In addition, my friend used to work at Rosbank as a junior developer. He liked it, so when he saw that the internship was from Rosbank, he was even more impressed with this place of work.


Expectations all came true. I like it too. Cool space, own dining room, no dress code. The office is conveniently located between the Red Gate and Komsomolskaya.


We are currently developing a web application for detecting errors in cash services. For three months, he learned to design web applications, automate work with Excel, and also wrote a user authorization system.

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