Writing a chrome telegram alert plugin

The trouble, comrades!

Children (~ 10 years old) switched to distance learning, sat in rooms with computers and can not concentrate on lessons!

They are added to google families , microsoft family , time at the computer is limited, and adult sites are removed through opendns . But just that - and even right during the zoom conference of the lesson, the child begins to watch youtube. And then the teacher gives homework - to watch the video and write an essay. And the video is also on youtube. Manual moderation is indispensable.

Under the cat, we write a magic pendal, namely a chrome plugin, which sends every website that is opened in telegram to an evil parent working in the next room.


First we’ll make a telegram bot and a channel to which links will come.

  1. Open BotFather , write / newbot , get botId (a combination of ~ 50 characters).
  2. We create a new channel, add our bot there as an administrator.
  3. We write something to the channel, open the link https://api.telegram.org/bot botId / getUpdates , we find result-> channel_post-> chat-> id there.

As a result, we have botId and chatId .


  1. We make the folder, there will be 2 files in it - manifest.json and index.js.
  2. Create a chrome plugin manifest , to minimize this:

      "manifest_version": 2,
      "name": "Url Telegram Logger",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "content_scripts": [
          "matches": [
          "js": ["index.js"]

    It says here that the index.js script will be embedded on any page (matches: all urls).
  3. . SPA, document.location.href. MutationObserver. . , ( , ). ( , ). navigator.sendBeacon:

    const settings = {
      botId: '...',
      chatId: '...',
      userName: 'Matvey',
      pollingInterval: 10000
    const mutedUrls = [
      // .. ,   ..
    const sendMessage = (type, href) => {
      if (mutedUrls.find(url => href.startsWith(url))) { return false }
      const data = new FormData()
      data.append('chat_id', settings.chatId)
      data.append('text', `${settings.userName} ${type} ${document.title} ${href}`)
    let latestHref = null
    let timeout = 0
    const run = () => {
      if (window.location.href !== latestHref) {
        latestHref = window.location.href
        sendMessage('opened', latestHref)
      timeout && clearTimeout(timeout)
      timeout = setTimeout(run, settings.pollingInterval)
    window.addEventListener('load', run)
    window.addEventListener('unload', () => sendMessage('closed', latestHref))
  4. ( chrome://extensions/, Developer mode, Load unpacked).

20 minutes have been spent, now you can spend another 20 hours, write a backend, configure reception of incoming commands (/ mute url, / mute 2h url etc), add registration, paid monthly subscriptions, slack and hangouts bots, and then rake for any rights children and personal data. I leave these pleasures to the reader, I have everything.

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