Local Hack Day - Online Hackathon

From April 18 to 19, with the support of Microsoft Russia, Local Hack Day, an online hackathon, will be held where participants can contribute to solving some problems caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Participants will have the opportunity to create tools to predict new pandemic waves, try gamification, as a way of learning the rules of conduct during a pandemic and the use of personal protective equipment, as well as analyze the virus genome.

Sign up . Well, under the cut some details.

About hackathon

Local Hack Day 2020 is an international line of hackathons that runs 3 times a year on an ongoing basis and is designed to unite the local community of developers.
The coronavirus pandemic affects global events by canceling them or remotely. Major League Hacking believes that community support is even more necessary at such times.

The circle movement takes on the challenge and the baton of Local Hack Day, organizing its own online hackathon.

We suggest that you develop projects in two days that will help solve the problems caused by the pandemic.

But won't it be boring?

We are well aware that the usual online hackathon format is boring and does not convey the full atmosphere of the community. Therefore, we upgraded it and hold a hackathon in a game format.

During the participation, you will not only develop a cool project, but also will be the leader of the whole country. Will have to develop the economy and foreign policy of the state, so as not to lose their power.

We promise a complete immersion in the workflow and atmosphere of the community, as in the offline hackathon.

Read more on the event’s official website .

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