How quarantine affects the labor market in IT

What will the world be like after isolation? What will happen to the IT industry? What will happen to each of us, our opportunities will increase or decrease, income will increase or fall, will our habits and lifestyle change? What is happening right now and is it already possible to see the contours of the world that awaits us when all this is over? 

We wanted to find at least some answer to all these questions and launched a large survey on IT specialists . At the moment, we have collected and analyzed 2500 profiles. Today we show the current situation in the labor market of IT-specialists in general.

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2500 โ€” . 57% โ€” , 55% โ€” 25 35 , 75% โ€” . 74% middle , 87% , 64% .

Before isolation, more than half of IT professionals could work remotely. Working conditions in companies allowed them to do this.

In fact, just over a third worked completely or partially remotely. So, not everyone wanted to work remotely, despite this possibility.

After entering the self-isolation mode, almost everything began to work completely remotely. That is, almost two-thirds of the specialists completely rebuilt the work regime.

But the possibilities of the new remote work are very different from those that were before. Before isolation, not everyone worked from home, almost a third of the remote workers constantly moved without a clear link to any place. If you wish, you could leave the house and go to work in a cafe, coworking or library.

Now, when everyone needs to sit at home, the only thing you can do is move to the cottage or to an apartment more suitable for remote work. But a minority of specialists have such opportunities.

Obviously, those who switched to a remote location forcibly and without prior preparation will be worse off than those who consciously chose it for themselves at one time.

The new mode of operation did not cause mass layoffs of IT specialists. And judging by one of the polls of the Khabrovsk citizens, the same 4% are usually in the process of dismissal .

However, the habitual expectations of the experts set in motion, the old rhythm of finding suitable work has changed. Every fourth IT person feels the uncertainty and tension of the situation and reacts either with an increase in activity to find a new job, or vice versa, by inhibition of such activity.

At the moment, IT people from other countries and St. Petersburg have moved more than others, and IT people from the CIS countries have least of all.

More than others, uncertainty is felt by office managers and sales people, as well as content managers, designers, and managers. Game devs and HRs, as well as telecoms, desktops, and testers feel the least uncertainty.

Despite the fact that it is not yet visible that dismissals related to self-isolation began, some specialists suffer from them more than others. Among designers, front-end vendors, sales people, and especially among office managers, the proportion of layoffs is noticeably higher than the hospital average. 

The lower the qualification of a specialist, the greater turbulence he is now experiencing. The interns feel most unstable, and the share of dismissals from them is higher than the general average value.

In the context of industries, the most instability is experienced by IT people working in the service sector: sports and beauty, hotels and tourism, catering, accounting and law, culture and art. And the smallest - from the infrastructure and product sectors: telecommunication, financial, hosting and grocery IT companies.

The instability experienced in different industries in different ways directly correlates with the level of layoffs in each of them. Most IT workers are dismissed in the service sector, and least of all in infrastructure and product sectors.

According tofrom eychars and recruiters of 180 companies working with hiring IT-specialists, there are also no significant layoffs. So far, it is only about the fact that in half of the companies the dynamics of hiring has changed: it continues only partially, or is temporarily suspended.

Take our survey about self-isolation , we continue to collect data to track the dynamics of the labor market in IT and share with everyone. And join the Marathon of the remote at Habr Career in order to quickly adapt to new working conditions with us.

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