We teach physics with a child ourselves, so that everyone would be interested

This article will be useful to those parents who dared to help the child with physics. Today we learn how to correctly explain physics by the example of such topics as inertness, mass, weight and gravity. Bonus - Iโ€™ll review a few useful Internet resources that I often use myself.

First of all, letโ€™s determine what difficulties can be if there are tons of textbooks, video tutorials, and also video with experiments? I will try to solve this problem.


There are plenty of good and high-quality textbooks in terms of methodological content. Unless the topic of the use of physics in modern technologies is poorly covered, as will be described below. Textbooks are not the best tutorials, since they are supposed to be used in tandem with the teacher (lecture part, educational demonstrations and practical work). If there are no usual activities, then it will be very difficult for students, especially grades 7-9, to master the material. Now look at this definition of inertia: How

much has become clear after reading? It is all the more difficult for a seventh grader to master this property.

It is better to use the textbook as a reference, or as a lesson plan, but do not leave it the only source of information. You can safely continue to use the textbook that was used in the lessons earlier, but now you should become a teacher, and not just an ordinary, but BEST TEACHER, so that it would not be embarrassing to look at yourself in the mirror! Now you are faced with the task of sorting out the contents of this book, explaining it and adding to everything your child needs. We will figure out what can and should be used as an addition.

Video experiments

It seems to me that there is no need to prove the importance of experiments. They must complement the lesson. I try to show experiments at least every half hour of class. They relieve tension, are a confirmation of the topic, help to understand it, and also return the student's attention if he began to be distracted. I want to note that in this section we are talking about video with experiments, but it is even better to sometimes conduct real experiments, which will be discussed in the next section.

There is good and bad news at the same time:
  • Not only do many studios shoot training videos, but teachers have mastered the Internet and have their own video blogs. So you will not have problems with the availability of material, but there will be real difficulties in selecting it, with which I will try to help.

I want to immediately note that the video materials are not only quality, but also have different goals from a training demonstration to scientific popularization.

Training demonstrations from NRNU MEPhI

Most of the best training demonstrations that I show to my students were shot by the MEPhI television studio with the participation of Valery Ivanovich Gervids. He turned out to be a wonderful lecturer, with an incredibly clean and competent speech. Although the video is intended for students, the presentation is as simple as possible and most videos will be understood by schoolchildren.

Bottom line: the materials are very high quality, but have a strict supply.

GetAClass - Physics in Experiments and Experiments

This new channel has not many videos, but is constantly evolving. The authors of the channel managed to probe the middle ground between the educational and popularization component. I know almost nothing about the authors, if you know something about them - share in the comments.

Bottom line: itโ€™s useful and interesting for children to watch a video, but the material itself is still scarce.

Simple science

The channel is well known to the audience of Habr, its creator Denis Mokhov BredunHe carried out thorough work and photographed all the popular โ€œWOWโ€ experiments that I knew well. This is an example of a purely popularizing material, the purpose of which is not so much to teach as to interest.

Bottom line: the video is high-quality, to show it no longer as an educational one, but to consolidate the material when the child has already figured out the topic.


The experiments are conducted by the famous showman Alexander Pushnoy, he has a bright presentation, which schoolchildren really like. Moreover, the speech itself is so illiterate (from the point of view of physics) that the ears curl up with a tube. Here's an example of parsing a roller with a submarine . At first, each time I stopped the video and explained errors to the students, but now I just turn off the sound and tell it myself. Such a compromise can significantly save time and is quite comfortable for children.

Bottom line: vivid experiments with illiterate speech requiring correction, do not show if you are not sure about your knowledge of the topic.

Worst Instructional Video - Physics for the Youngest by Saakayants

Sometimes parents make a mistake and turn this video on to children, even some physics teachers manage to show it in the 7th grade. A separate post was even written about the video , we will not repeat.

Bottom line: never show anyone. NEVER!

Stay tuned for an article, it is likely that the list will be replenished with your recommendations and what I still remember.

Be creative

Training videos are good, but physics surrounds us everywhere, remember where you came across what you study, find and show your child. For example, to clarify what inertia is, I demonstrate a fragment with a spiderman from the beginning of the post and say:

โ€œThe train is very massive, in order to stop it, it is necessary to apply great force for a long time. This is the inertia that in order to change the speed of the body it is necessary to apply force for some time. โ€
After the video and explanation, the definition of the phenomenon of inertia no longer looks so scary.

Now the soil is ready to talk about mass, as a measure of inertia of the body, to tell what weight and gravity are. You can jump with the child and explain that when he is in the air, his mass and gravity are preserved, and the weight is 0 N. Itโ€™s good for Dad to admit that he weighs 800 N, not 80 kg, and also take a bag of flour from the kitchen and show that in โ€œkgโ€ they write mass, not weight.

These topics are convenient for capturing a video of how astronauts ran and fell on the moon:

It must be clarified that the astronauts were very unusual, because the mass (inertia) remained the same, but the force of gravity decreased by 6 times. And also in the context of weightlessness with ordinary gravity it will be good to show this chic movie OK GO:

And don't forget to show the video how it was shot.

Summing up, I note that real examples and fragments of films can have a huge effect, interest and help the child understand the topic. But this is possible only with your direct participation and support.

So how do you look for good experiences and fragments?

Although I have listed some useful resources - for an unprepared parent this will be a daunting task. I will try to help you as much as possible at first. Leave the topics you are studying in the comments, and I will try to quickly upload the recommended videos with explanations.

Video tutorials and courses. Why not them?

Obviously, disparate video lessons from different resources and from different authors will be perceived by the student as if a new teacher came to each lesson in the same subject, who would not be at all interested in what the previous one was telling. Therefore, it is immediately advisable to talk about a complete course. And with the courses, not everything is so good:
  1. I did not come across complete high-quality free courses in school physics. If you know where to find them, please share.
  2. Most courses are paid, their quality is not known in advance. Know the quality - share.
  3. The courses will guide the child in their own program without regard to their knowledge, abilities, interests and needs. Most likely they will go against many of the above, or even with everything.
  4. If a child has a gap in a topic, you could help him in 15 minutes by sorting out and answering questions, and courses will simply leave him with this gap and will only further aggravate the gap.

Added 04/17/20 at 22:22
Thank youSpeleo astronomthat recalled the wonderful video lessons of Pavel Andreevich. Iโ€™ve signed up for his channel for a long time, I can leave only positive reviews, if I still decide to try the video tutorial format, I recommend his channel on YouTube .

Let's have interesting and unusual tasks

In order not to repeat myself, I will immediately give a link to the article: Unusual problems in physics that develop scientific thinking (for schoolchildren) .

I can only say that this site was created more than 10 years ago and it helped me a lot all this time.

Do a real experiment. Everyone knows the saying: โ€œItโ€™s better to see once than hear a hundred times,โ€ but few people know its continuation: โ€œAnd touch once than watch 100 times.โ€ So with physics that way. Spend at least one experiment with your child. Only not a laboratory notebook for laboratory work (then the child will hate physics), but a real experiment.

If you do not know where to start, I recommend the article: Simple experiments with a child at home . Find a bunch of ideas.


Today, a child needs your help more than ever. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of plunging into the fascinating world of physics with it. For my part, I promise to support you with a selection of interesting videos, tasks and recommendations. Ask questions in the comments, I will try not to delay the answers. And also I invite the community to mutual assistance.

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