Thanks to Habr, and new features in user posts

For about a year now, I have been working alone on my small, free and open-source audio project TheOutloud, which I did a few posts about before. Let me remind you that its essence is that each user can record an amateur podcast or voice an article even on the phone’s voice recorder and share the track on the portal. I strive to create something similar to Youtube, just for audio, where users could share their audio, search for interesting posts and articles, listen to news and much more.


In this post I would like to thank Habr for supporting young projects and tell that now all users will be able to embed in their posts not only video from Youtube, but also audio from TheOutloud. A small audio player will appear in the posts, the track from which you can listen without going to my site.

The authors of the long posts themselves will be able to voice their articles and post them at the end of the post, so that other users can listen to it, say, on the way to work: in a car, bus or subway. It seems to me that for some it will be a great way to interact with the reader, and for others it will be a more comfortable way to get new information.

How to add audio to your post?

First of all, you need to record an audio file in mp3 format. You can record it either on the phone using various programs, or from a computer or laptop. The main thing is that at this moment there should be silence in the room, and no one will distract you.

For amateur recording and voice acting it is not at all necessary to have professional equipment, even your phone will do this task perfectly if the conditions above are met.

Probably some of you will swear at the choice of mp3 format. I will answer that I started working with him, as he “weighs” much less than his brothers. Now the hosting has limited storage and therefore the file size matters. I already solve this problem so that you can download any formats.

So, after recording the file, upload it to TheOutloud. After a short moderation (usually about 5-10 minutes, if the track was loaded in the afternoon), the track becomes open to everyone, and it can be used to insert into the post.

On the page of the downloaded track, click on the "Copy link for post" button.


Then open the editor of the new post on Habr, determine the place where you want to insert the audio, and click on the "Media Element" button. Tags will appear in the editor.


Link between these tags. And, just in case, check the display of the player on the "View" tab.

Now audio can be played directly from a post on Habr.


Thanks again to the Habr developers for their assistance in developing the TheOutloud project. It is very difficult to develop a free portal amid giants of audio services such as Yandex Music, Voom, SoundCloud and others.

I hope that users will not only appreciate the small innovation in the posts, but also tell the vectors of further development.

At the end of the post, I will add an audio player so that you yourself can see how it will look and a link to download audio:

TheOutloud Project

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