Easy way to learn a language (any)

I want to be a nurse of a habra forest and describe my experience and the experience of other people whom I know personally in learning a foreign language (any). I see one success criterion in this matter - when a translator is no longer needed (99% of the time), neither a dictionary nor a contextual one. And I’ll try to show how to go the same way, to the level that you need.
Without registration, SMS, throwing money away (often big ones) and lots of time. As easy and enjoyable as possible.

So that in this way posts with all kinds of help in learning the language become as small as possible (ideally zero). I did not find anything in such posts over the past years that would be as interesting to me as possible, or at least (based on experience) useful to those who study languages. In 99%, it is unclear to anyone's fantasies about how to “learn” a language, but there is no sense in this, as practice shows (or it is even harmful).


how to learn to pull up and push up?
surprise: pull up and push up
how to learn English?
surprise ... to study it

Base - you need to know about the most used several thousand words (1-2-5), it’s not as scary as it seems and half of them you already know, they are either by ear (mother-madre-mutter), or borrowed / general (“system”, for example, in all languages ​​of the English group “system”, the difference is only das or el system, but this is not particularly important), it remains to understand what words and how to put them in your brain.

Repeating words is not endlessly an option; cards from those whom I know were used only by those who later abandoned this business altogether (to learn the language). Atrocity, for example, is a very important word, I used it for about the first time now in my life, it was just in the song of one group and I remember it, for some reason, like many other extremely “important” useless words.

I will describe my experience in English (and by the fact that I know it is very similar to the experience of those whom I can call well knowing it, and again from experience it works with any foreign language).

My memories of English (in chronological order):

  • ( ), Limp Bizkit ( , , ), , , , , , 80% , , , - , . LimpBizkit , ) «» ( Nookie) . ChildrenOfBodom Cradle of filth, , , «» .
  • , . , , (95% , )
  • Evangelion, , ( ), , , , , ( , )
  • - , ( , , - , 2-3-4 )
  • - , , , , , , , , . « ». , , , 30 -, , , .
  • ( ) , ( , , , ), ,
  • , , ( ), ( , ), . ( ) — «» , /, «» . - . , , , ), - «». . « » ( ) — ? .
  • after a few years at work, a customer from California said that my English is more correct than those with whom he speaks and who lives there (it’s good that we are only in text, I don’t like to speak so far)
  • after some time, someone put the Shivaree song - Goodnight Moon (Kill Bill), I understand that I hear it in Russian, there is no resistance at all, the second insight was from Fools Garden - Lemon Tree, or is it really very clear pronounces every word, or by that time enough had accumulated in the brain, somewhere since then films can be watched without subs, songs are also often in Russian.

Memories of a couple of other people who asked how to teach (advised them to translate their favorite songs and films to watch at least with subwoofers in English):

  • one was looking for courses, magic applications, cards with words, threw
  • 5-10 ( ), , ,
  • , - , , . , ? , , .
  • « », , -.

The moral of all this indecency: Arnie (which Schwartz) said that there are no short cuts, you either do or do not do. His emphasis, by the way, is a good example of the fact that this business is not for a year. Just accept it and relax, your emphasis will be guaranteed. The question is only sugary-vile like those who are “trying” or just an accent (you already have one, you can score and move on). With languages, everything is exactly the same, I forget words in Russian and in all other languages ​​that I poorly know poorly (and often these are words that are often used, but at the same time I remember all kinds of stuff like gato / tiburon in Spanish, although I don’t need it), sometimes I remember a word not in Russian (which I forgot in Russian at that moment, xs how it works), sometimes I remember some useless words that come just by association and can somehow be joked (often by the sounds, the meaning,if they understand, not everyone knows English in my village).

I wrote most of this as a comment in some regular rubbish article about learning languages. Enough, a bowler hat, don’t cook) Mein herz brent) Really already tired, I think many spit. These articles are useless, like courses, language schools, and more.

Who came here to learn languages ​​- learn for yourself, or do not learn, there are no magic tablets. If there is no interest - nothing will help you, if there is - just watch what's interesting in this language, music, films, articles. In about the same way it was interesting to understand what was being broadcast on one German channel in our village in the 90s, but there was no dictionary (as well as the Internet), then something was missing. Like Spanish and Japanese. But the latter is very aloof, if you know English you already know 20-30-40% of Spanish and German, then Japanese is wild game.

For example, explain why mother-maser-muter-madre is お 母 さ ん (Okāsan)))
But it’s also interesting, on the katakana there are a lot of everything unique (like the original catalogs of heaps of equipment, cars, motorcycles, etc.) and he also “clung” to I'm interested in and watching animeshki.

Whoever wants to be really cool is really cool, just take a textbook, anyone. If at this point you work out on music / films / articles yourself, you will go through it quickly. If you start with a textbook, it will be much longer and there is a good chance that motivation will suffer.
But this will help for sure:

  • , , , ( urbandictionary), -
  • , , «-» ,
  • , ( , , ) , — ? .

This is the easiest and seems to be the only way to start and not quit a foreign language.

If you have a significantly different experience (or it contradicts what I'm writing here) - write a comment, it's really interesting.
Hope this helps someone.

PS: And someone will stop writing another advertising article about learning a language with a super technique that “should” work, because we decided that way, but of course we didn’t check it and it is not known that it helped anyone. But we need to write about something, otherwise nobody will come to our expensive useless school.

There is no such technique, there is none. NO. no. nein. い い え

PPS: It’s only experience that seems to matter, it’s kind of passed on. Passed all that I remembered.

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