Objective Quality Score Testing with Customer Journey Map

Hello, Khabrovsk citizens!

I am an analyst by profession, I have been designing systems and writing requirements for 10 years. I propose to discuss the approach to testing UX / UI.

Before quarantine, I ran into a situation: I had to buy a plane ticket. About 30 minutes I went into an airless space: while I filled out all the fields (although there is a profile in the service), then I double-checked everything not once, then carefully removed all the paid options.
IMHO, this is inhuman.

Why not remember my data and substitute it? Why impose additional options - reduces loyalty?

I think I'm not the only one annoyed at the uncomfortable and incomprehensible UX / UI. Question: “How is it treated?”

So far, I came to the conclusion that a solution may be a systematic and independent testing of system quality indicators. Those who are talked about at the institute and textbooks: ergonomics, convenience, understandability, speed of task execution.

Typically, quality testing comes down to the following:

  • The team runs with all its might to make functionality on time and no one thinks about UX / UI
  • UX / UI is checked only for compliance with layouts
  • UX / UI testing is carried out to the taste and personal assessment of the tester. Yes, this can be justified by general rules (for example, from Cooper's books “On Interfaces”), but in custom and B2B systems there are often non-trivial solutions. The team may differ in tastes and ideas about the beautiful. As a result, this leads to unconstructive disputes due to differences of opinion. The strongest wins in them.

Then I thought that a similar story happens when collecting requirements in products. It happens that the creators make a decision for their pains and think that they will close the needs of end users. In order to map reality, there are ways a la Customer Journey Map.

The essence of the method is to take the experience of several users on a statistical sample as they solve a particular problem. So you can find out if other people are faced with a problem and whether this situation is unique to a small group of people or is it a total problem.

Why not check on this principle and UX / UI?

Testing algorithm:

1) Decide on a testing policy.

  • set of user scripts for testing
  • tested quality indicators: convenience, ergonomics, understandability, etc.

2) Find respondents to test

From 3 to 5 respondents. It can be end users or members of another team. The main thing is independence from the development team.

3) Conduct a study. repeat the

cycle with each respondent
> The user card template is taken.
> The respondent is given an introduction to the task and a running system / prototype / layout
> Respondent's steps, his feedback, time for a step - all this is recorded in the template

4) Aggregate data.

Since one map template is one opinion, you need to find the intersection of respondents. For each scenario, a gap map matrix is ​​compiled (in the best traditions of CJM).

  • Matrix Columns - Script Steps.
  • Lines are an indicator of dissatisfaction.
  • At the intersection - the results from the maps of the respondents.
  • The steps that took the most time or negative emotions, misunderstanding - these are the pains of the quality of the system.

5) Make a list of problems found.

I named it GrowthPointsList.

The data are summarized in the list of problems + expectations of respondents how the system will behave. You can specify the level of influence on the passage of the script:

  1. Unable to complete the script
  2. Negative but script passed
  3. Some respondents had a negative, but they managed to get through the script.

Thus, even before development at the stage of layout, it is possible to test layouts and eliminate problems at a lower cost. The test result is reasonable and does not cause controversy among the participants and the customer.

I think the world of applications can thus change towards convenience and simplicity for end users.

Telegram Channel - tlgg.ru/@analyst_way (Analyst Path)

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