New reality. 2.5 million rubles online hackathon


The need to work from home has made enough adjustments to our being, but IT is wonderful that many things that in other areas are very tied to offline and are now not very fit into new social distances, continue to work in IT, and work successfully. After all, what’s most important: a normal network connection, own skills and a desire to work.

Together with RAEC and the Innovation Agency of Moscow, we established the online hackathon VirusHack. And the name here is by no means a tribute to the general hype, but it fully reflects the theme - the hackathon is aimed at finding innovations and useful solutions for a new reality. We offer to participate in solving problems that faced not only our country, but the whole world. Let's try to prove that new technologies can actually make life easier.

In general, these will be solutions that can help each person, business and state adapt to new conditions. There will be many tasks - a load balancer for hospitals, optimal video stream compression from surveillance systems, predictive services based on big data, telemedicine, sports services, online training, AR / VR, logistics and smart home, and much, much more.

They are divided into 6 thematic tracks: online education, health, the new economy, life within four walls, the metropolis of Moscow and the urban environment. The winners will have not only a cash prize and valuable gifts, but also the opportunity to bring their idea to the level of real operation in the largest companies of the Russian Federation.

More details about each track and about the hackathon itself - under the cut.

What will have to be done

No matter how loud it sounds - simulate a new reality, create digital services and solutions. Therefore, we invite not only techies who are confident in their abilities, but also those who are good at organizing processes and project management, as well as designers and product experts.

As part of the hackathon, we will give the opportunity to communicate with industry experts, as well as representatives of business and government agencies.


New Economy

Business Process Solutions Outside the Ordinary Office. Logistics and ecommerce, technologies to improve business performance in the new conditions, IoT, 5G and much more.

Within the four walls.

All about udalenka. How not to go crazy, work from home (and everyone has conditions of varying degrees of comfort), maintaining physical fitness, psychological balance.


First of all, telemedicine, remote interaction of a doctor and a patient, disease prevention. Electronic recipes and sick leave. Here - health monitoring, work with wearable devices, AI technology, 3D printing for medicine and the like.

Online education

Solutions designed to help students. Services themselves for study, products to enhance motivation, gamification of the process (AR / VR). In the same track and solutions for teachers, including sports education. Peer-to-peer-services for teachers and much more.

Urban environment

Everything related to the smart home, sensors, services for security, of course, with the digitalization of the beloved housing and communal services by everyone, new ways of communicating with the townspeople. In general, the ability to make the city smarter.

Megalopolis Moscow

A special track from the Moscow Innovation Agency is the urban environment adjusted for the peculiarities of the huge megalopolis and life in it: supporting vulnerable categories of citizens during self-isolation, improving the lives of citizens, monitoring health at home, and more.

When and where

Registration opened yesterday, April 13, and will last until April 30. The online hackathon itself will be held from May 3 to 5.

You can register here at this link .

Full description of all tracks.

The world has already changed, and IT can contribute to making the new reality more comfortable for everyone. If you have ideas and a desire to participate, feel free to register. Perhaps it is your service that will soon be used by thousands of people.

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