The heading "Read articles for you." March 2020. Part 2

Hello, Habr!

We continue to publish reviews of scientific articles from members of the Open Data Science community from the channel #article_essense. If you want to receive them before everyone else - join the community ! The first part of the March review assembly was published earlier .


  1. NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis (UC Berkeley, Google Research, UC San Diego, 2020)
  2. Scene Text Recognition via Transformer (China, 2020)
  3. PEGASUS: Pre-training with Extracted Gap-sentences for Abstractive Summarization (Imperial College London, Google Research, 2019)
  4. Lagrangian Neural Networks (Princeton, Oregon, Google, Flatiron, 2020)
  5. Deformable Style Transfer (Chicago, USA, 2020)
  6. Rethinking Few-Shot Image Classification: a Good Embedding Is All You Need? (MIT, Google, 2020)
  7. Attentive CutMix: An Enhanced Data Augmentation Approach for Deep Learning Based Image Classification (Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 2020)

1. NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis

: Ben Mildenhall, Pratul P. Srinivasan, Matthew Tancik, Jonathan T. Barron, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Ren Ng (UC Berkeley, Google Research, UC San Diego, 2020)
:: GitHub project :: Video :: Blog
: ( belskikh)

3 ( 25 ) , - .


  1. 3 2 .
  2. 3 (x, y, z) , MLP, (r, g, b) .
  3. , 2 2 .

, MLP, L2 3 .

, :

  1. , x, y, z. : MLP x, y, z 8 (ReLU, 256 ) 256- . 4 MLP (ReLU, 128 ), RGB .
  2. Positional Encoding . , , . ( ) positional encoding MLP
  3. , , "", "". Hierarchical volume sampling.

. L2 GT "" "" . 1-2 1xV100.

2. Scene Text Recognition via Transformer

: Xinjie Feng, Hongxun Yao, Yuankai Qi, Jun Zhang, Shengping Zhang (China, 2020)
:: GitHub project
: ( belskikh)

: , .. .

Optical Character Recognition (OCR), ResNet Transformer. , ( ..).


  1. 9696
  2. 4 ResNet ( 1/16, )
  3. HxWxC (6x6x1024) H*WxC (36x1024), FC , ( 36x256)
  4. Word embedding ( 256)
  5. .

, "" , , . .

4 ResNet-101 ( torchvision). :

  • 4 , -;
  • multi-head self attention ;
  • position-wise ;
  • 4 , -, - β€” multi-head attention ;
  • - residual layer norm;
  • ( , ).

SynthText RRC-ArT. Tesla P40 ( ).

"" ( -) / .

(. ):

  • , , ;
  • .


  1. -.
  2. .
  3. - / .

3. PEGASUS: Pre-training with Extracted Gap-sentences for Abstractive Summarization

: (Imperial College London, Google Research, 2019)

: ( yorko)

extractive abstractive. – , – , , , .

PEGASUS ( – Imperial College, – Google Research) abstractive summarization Gap Sentences Generation objective . Masked Language Modeling, BERT & Co. , – . , abstractive self-supervised objective, , . extractive- , – .

. , reverse-engineering. : 3 , [MASK1], [MASK2]. β€œ-” – . , Gap Sentences Generation objective MLM BERT, , GSG , -MLM . -MLM :).

() , β€œβ€ . 3 : (Random), (Lead) Principal, ROUGE1-F1. ( 30%) , .

Principal , Lead, .. bias, .

: C4 (Colossal and Cleaned version of Common Crawl, 750 Gb), HugeNews – 3.8 Tb ( , ).

12 ( , , , reddit ..), SOTA ( , . 2019). , , 1000 .

Appendix E , 10 SOTA ( , 12 ):

– , β€œβ€ , , Chelsea β€œJose Mourinho’s side” β€œThe Blues”. , . - – .

: , - – , . . β€œbig data” , .

– abstractive . ROUGE – , . ROUGE , / - . , . , SOTA .

4. Lagrangian Neural Networks

: Miles Cranmer, Sam Greydanus, Stephan Hoyer, Peter Battaglia, David Spergel, Shirley Ho (Princeton, Oregon, Google, Flatiron, 2020)
:: GitHub project :: Blog
: ( graviton)

, "" ( ) . , . "" , , , , 2- .

β€” . , (Hamiltonian Neural Networks Deep Lagrangian Networks), . :

  • Hamiltonian Neural Networks β€” "" , -, ;
  • Deep Lagrangian Networks β€” , .. , , .

( ). .. , , , , , . .


  • , , .
  • , β€” ( , , ).
  • , , (), .

(-) , jax.

4- 500 . .

ReLU , .. 2- . ReLU^2, ReLU^3, tanh, sigmoid softplus. softplus .

  • .
  • . , : 0.4% 8% (. ).

5. Deformable Style Transfer

: Sunnie S. Y. Kim, Nicholas Kolkin, Jason Salavon, Gregory Shakhnarovich (Chicago, USA, 2020)

: ( digitman)

, . , . , .

DST(deformable style transfer) "" "", : , - (, ). β€” , . , ( ).

( ), - , - . NBB (neural best-buddies): CNN 2- , , "" , , k (80), k 2- , .

, . dense flow field 'I' warped W(I, ΞΈ). thin-plate spline interpolation. , , ΞΈ β€” .

: β€” , f β€” , g β€” , h β€” .

, : Gatys ( Gramm matrix vgg , β€” ) STROTSS ( 3- , ). , . DST , :

Lstyle(Is,X)+Lstyle(Is,W(X, theta)).

I_s X ( ) I_s W(X, ΞΈ). .

Lwarp(P,Pβ€², theta)= frac1k sumi=1k||(pi+ thetai)βˆ’piβ€²||2

β€” deformation loss k , p_i p_i' β€” source target . ΞΈ. , p_i' p_i, , , - source target . "total variation norm of the 2D warp field". .

RTV(f)= frac1WH sumi=1W sumj=1H||fi+1,jβˆ’fi,j||1+||fi,j+1βˆ’fi,j||1


L(X, theta,Ic,Is,P)= alphaLcontent(Ic,X)+Lstyle(Is,X)+Lstyle(Is,W(X, theta))+ betaLwarp(P,Pβ€², theta)+ gammaRTV(ftheta),

Ξ± Ξ² , Ξ³ β€” . ( ) β€” warped stylized image W(I, ΞΈ).

, , , . : , , STROTSS, STROTSS, DST, , DST.

user study AMT , "" , "" .

6. Rethinking Few-Shot Image Classification: a Good Embedding Is All You Need?

: Yonglong Tian, Yue Wang, Dilip Krishnan, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Phillip Isola (MIT, Google, 2020)
:: GitHub project
: ( belskikh)

few-show learning, . , 3%, , meta-learning .

-, , - - . . - , - - . Few-shot learning -.

, :

  1. ( , - , ).
  2. - .
  3. - (1-5) , .

self-distillation Born-again . , - . - GT , KL β€” .

, . , (, , ) -.

ResNet-12 SeResNet-12 miniImageNet, tiered- ImageNet, CIFAR-FS, FC100.

kNN, , .

7. Attentive CutMix: An Enhanced Data Augmentation Approach for Deep Learning Based Image Classification

: Devesh Walawalkar, Zhiqiang Shen, Zechun Liu, Marios Savvides (Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 2020)

: ( artgor)

cutmix. , , attention maps, . , . CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet (!) ResNet, DenseNet, EfficientNet. + 1.5% .

, , :

  • , , ;
  • feature map, ;
  • , .

: , CAM CutMix, Chris Kaggle::Bengali.AI Handwritten Grapheme Classification.


  • CIFAR-10 β€” 80 , batch size 32, learning rate 1e-3, weight decay 1e-5;
  • CIFAR-100 β€” 120 , batch size 32, learning rate 1e-3, weight decay 1e-5;
  • ImageNet β€” 100 ResNet DenseNet, 180 EfficientNet, batch size 64, learning rate 1e-3

Ablation study

, β€” , . 1 15. 6 .

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