“1C: ERP” and “1C: CRM”: functionality and comparative analysis of configurations

Often in a company that already operates in the 1C: ERP Enterprise Management system (or 1C: Integrated Automation, or 1C: Trade Management) or is just about to implement it, questions arise:

  • What functionalities does this software product have in terms of customer relationship management?
  • Will the capabilities of a typical configuration be sufficient or will it have to be changed?
  • Perhaps, instead of changes, it is better to additionally purchase the 1C: CRM module?

The article will give answers to all these questions.

“1C: ERP Enterprise Management” (1C: ERP) is the flagship software product of 1C, which belongs to the class of enterprise resource management systems, which also contains the functions of a CRM system.

The configurations “1C: Integrated Automation” (1C: KA) and “1C: Trade Management” (1C: UT) are technically obtained by “cutting out” the functionality from 1C: ERP, but the CRM block is the same in all three systems, so hereinafter all statements regarding 1C: ERP will be true for 1C: KA, and for 1C: UT.

“1C: CRM” is a software product developed by 1C-Rarus, its main purpose is customer relationship management.

The 1C: CRM configuration can be used as a separate information system with its own database, and can be integrated into the 1C: ERP configuration as a module. In the latter case, the information base will be unified, and the 1C: CRM functionality for the user will look just like one of the subsystems:

At the same time, for example, in the Partners directory, the functions of the Client directory from 1C: CRM, which are not in the typical 1C: ERP configuration, will be added.

Such a combination of the two 1C configurations is called “seamless integration”. In the same way, the 1C: Document Management configuration can be integrated into 1C: ERP, a separate article will be devoted to this.

It is also worth noting that the 1C: CRM configuration has several versions that differ in functionality and price, this article discusses the most complex version - “CORP”, since only it can be integrated into the 1C: ERP configuration as a module.

In the table below - information about the presence of certain functions in the configurations of 1C: ERP and 1C: CRM.
+Function is
++Feature Extended
-No function

Functionality1C: ERP1C: CRM
Connection of communication channels
Integration with telephony (with fixed and cloud PBXs)++
Integration with SMS sending services++
Built-in Email Client++
Integration with instant messengers and social networks (Telegram, Viber, VKontakte, etc.)-+
Lead registration and processing
Setting up lead sources and automated lead loading-+
Dispatching leads between managers-+
( )++
( 1: )++
( 1 )++
( )++
( )++
( )++
, , .++
( )+++
, ..++
, .. email-+
, .. SMS-+
MS Exchange Server-+
(to-do list)-+
- (BPM)
( )++
Email ( Unisender)++
«» ,-+
( )+++
( , () ; (ROI) )-+
(, ..) «-»+++
(, ..) «»-+
( )++
( )++
- , ,+++
1: ( , , )+++
, , (-+

This table shows that in terms of customer relationship management in the 1C: CRM configuration, there are quite a few specialized functions that are either completely absent in 1C: ERP, or their implementation is somewhat simplified. At the same time, of course, in 1C: CRM, procurement, warehouse or production management functions are not implemented, therefore, the combined configuration of “1C: ERP + 1C: CRM module” provides users with the widest opportunities out of the box, without any modifications.

As for the detailed description of each of the functions listed above, it is necessary to compile it taking into account the requirements of a particular company thinking about a customer-oriented approach in its work.

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