An attempt to understand the multidimensionality of M-theory

Good day. In this post I tried to formulate my "philistine-programmer" understanding of the multidimensionality of M-theory. The material is “thinking out loud” and does not claim to be scientific.

I will begin with the question that was asked in the preparation of the previous article. Is it possible to present a graph clique in a form different from two-dimensional arrays (matrices) of adjacency or incidence? The first thing that comes to mind is the multidimensional array A [i 1 , i 2 , i 3 , ..., i n ], where i n is the number of the vertex of the graph. A [i 1 , i 2 , i 3 , ..., i n ] = true means that all vertices are adjacent to each other. This representation is not very convenient and does not give anything from the point of view of graph theory. But by array indices we can understand not only the row or column number in the table. Suppose i 1 , i 2 , i 3- coordinates familiar to us in space, i 4 - time. Because we have a restriction on the type (integer), it will be necessary to sample these quantities. Suppose the sampling interval for coordinates is 1 μm, for time - 1 ns.

If we are dealing with a material point, the record A [1,3,9,15] = true may mean that at 15 ns this point was relative to the origin at position x = 1 μm, y = 3 μm, z = 9 μm . Having several "true" values ​​of array A, we can (with correction for discreteness) track the trajectory, calculate the speed, acceleration. If the value of an array element is made not Boolean (presence / absence), but real, it is possible to track, for example, the change in the mass of the studied point in the indicated coordinates. Taking time as a constant, a set of values ​​can describe a volumetric body.

Now imagine that we have a component that allows our point to rotate around its axis. Yes, this contradicts the concept of a material point, but we are fantasizing. The array took the form A [i 1 , i 2 , i 3 , i 4 , i 5 ], where i 5 is the value of the rotation angle. Basically, nothing has changed for a hypothetical program that processes data.

To exacerbate, so to speak. We add more measurements, bringing to A [i 1 , i 2 , i 3 , ..., i 11]. In this case, it doesn’t matter if we understand the physical meaning of the additional indices. We get an array that describes the state of the point at some point in time. If we assume that our point is part of a string or a brane, the value A [i 1 , i 2 , i 3 , ..., i 11 ] can be set equal to the value of the phase of the oscillations.

Having many values ​​of arrays A, we, theoretically, can describe the state of the string at any time. Having formed a record (structure) of several arrays A, we will go to the subatomic level. This record has additional properties in the form of spin, charge, mass, etc. The atomic level consists of many subatomic records and so on up to the macroscopic level.

Additions and corrections to the proposed understanding of multidimensionality are welcome.

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