Videos of all reports from eight Ontico conferences

The situation with the same virus hits the organizers of events. It’s hard for people who help the Russian developer community. We at AvitoTech want to support our friends from Ontiko, and therefore we are opening access to video from conferences that have not yet been published. These are reports for 2019 with Saint AppsConf, HighLoad ++, DevOpsConf, FrontendConf, Product Fest and with the latest TeamLead Conf.

Avito engineers who spoke or participated in conferences recalled the most interesting presentations. Under the cut - links to playlists with all-all videos and our subjective selection.

UPD: added playlists with UseData and GolangConf 2019 to the article.


:   .   ,   .

Saint AppsConf 2019

 , senior ,  Saint AppsConf.

 iOS .

  ,  computer science   . ,     .

    β€”    . , , .

,  .   ,    , .

  , ,  .     .     .

Saint AppsConf 2019  .

HighLoad++ 2019

β€” senior Database β€” , .

  ,   .     .

  . Amazon Web Services ,    .

  , , .     ClickHouse.   , .

Highload++ 2019  .

DevOpsConf 2019

β€”   . -3  DevOpsConf.

incident management',   , SLI, SLO .



DevOpsConf 2019  .

FrontendConf 2019

β€” senior frontend   .

 ,     CSS β€” . : Β« , ?Β». β€”  .

  , .    Subgrid.

    .   V8 .

FrontendConf 2019  .

Product Fest 2019

 Product Fest .

  . - ,   .

, , ,         . β€” - .

, .   , , .

Product Fest 2019  .

TeamLead Conf 2020

, -   TeamLead Conf.

  .   , .

  .     /  .   , IT- ,   .  ,       -.

  LeSS  ManyChat.   ,   - .   ,   LeSS , - .

,   .

TeamLead Conf 2020 .

GolangConf 2019

GolangConf 2019 .

UseData Conf 2019

UseData Conf 2019 .

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