Node.js in 2020: Logout and Logout Normally

Node.js has changed a lot over the past 5 years , but the community’s platform knowledge has remained at the level of 2013-2015, all the same approaches, all the same problems. The community is poorly monitoring the new features, and if it finds out about them, then this does not affect the writing of the daily code. In Node.js, and even in JavaScript, fundamental knowledge of software engineering and architecture , parallel programming, GRASP , SOLID is poorly penetrated, GoF, and if they penetrate, they are not subjected to adaptation and rethinking. Therefore, among other programming languages, JavaScript is perceived as frivolous, and among Java, C ++, C # developers, it is widely believed that Node.js is a platform for illiterate people. How to overcome this trend and how to change the approach to development on Node.js in 2020, using all the modern capabilities and knowledge, as well as what needs to be changed in daily code writing practices, these and other questions are addressed in three free Node webinars .js in 2020 : Get out and get in fine ” on April 11, 14 and 21 , on the eve of Node.js v14 .

Part 1: Overview of New Features, History and Isolation

Summary of the 1st part: preparing the Node.js Starter Kit , reviewing the status of Node.js for April 2020, isolating code using threads , sandboxes , containers and software abstractions, what is the meaning of deno, v8 Serialization API, sandbox vm and vm.Script , ES.Next support, parallel and asynchronous programming, answers to questions.

Video of the 1st webinar:

Part 2: Problems and how they relate to fundamental CS

2- : : , , GRASP SOLID Node.js, , GoF , Node.js .

2- :

3: , Node.js Starter Kit

3- : Node.js Node.js Starter Kit ( ) Metarhia API . Metaserverless. , Node.js CS .

3- :
Node.js Starter Kit:


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