How to make color music when you are a programmer

Once I watched one film , and the moment was imprinted in my memory when one of the main characters of the film tactfully raises her leg and arm to the rhythm of the melody. So: not only the hero is noteworthy, but the set of monitors behind him.

Recently, like many others, the amount of time spent in four walls has greatly increased, and the idea came up: "And what is the most strange way to realize such a scene?"

Looking ahead, I will say that the choice fell on the use of a web browser, namely WebRTC and WebAudio API.

So I thought, and then immediately went the options, from simple (pick up the radio and find a player that has such a visualization), to long ones (make a client-server application that will send information about the color through the socket). And then I caught myself thinking: “now the browser has all the components necessary for the implementation”, so I’ll try to do it with it.

WebRTC is a way of transferring data from browser to browser (peer-to-peer), which means I won’t have to make a server, at first I thought. But he was a little wrong. In order to make RTCPeerConnection, you need two servers: signal and ICE. For the second, you can use a ready-made solution (STUN or TURN servers are in the repositories of many linux distributions). Something needs to be done with the first.

The documentation says that an arbitrary two-way interaction protocol can act as a signal, and then immediately WebSockets, Long pooling or do something different. It seems to me that the easiest option is to take hello world from the documentation of some library. And here is such a simple signal server:

import os
from aiohttp import web, WSMsgType

routes = web.RouteTableDef()
routes.static("/def", os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'static') )'/broadcast')
async def word(request):
    for conn in list(ws_client_connections):
        data = await request.text()
        await conn.send_str(data)
    return web.Response(text="Hello, world")

ws_client_connections = set()

async def websocket_handler(request):
    ws = web.WebSocketResponse(autoping=True)
    await ws.prepare(request)

    async for msg in ws:
        if msg.type == WSMsgType.TEXT:
            if == 'close':
                await ws.close()
                # del ws_client_connections[user_id]
        elif msg.type == WSMsgType.ERROR:
            print('conn lost')
            # del ws_client_connections[user_id]
    return ws

if __name__ == '__main__':

    app = web.Application()
    app.router.add_get('/ws', websocket_handler)

I did not even implement the processing of client WebSockets messages, but simply made a POST endpoint, which sends the message to everyone. The approach to copy from the documentation is to my liking.

Further, to establish WebRTC connection between browsers, an uncomplicated hi-hi occurs, and you can - and I can. The diagram is very clearly visible:

(Chart taken from page )

First you need to create the connection itself:

function openConnection() {
   const servers = { iceServers: [
       urls: [`turn:${window.location.hostname}`],
       username: 'rtc',
       credential: 'demo'
       urls: [`stun:${window.location.hostname}`]
  let localConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(servers);
  console.log('Created local peer connection object localConnection');
  dataChannelSend.placeholder = '';
  localConnection.ondatachannel = receiveChannelCallback;

  localConnection.ontrack = e => {
    consumeRemoteStream(localConnection, e);
  let sendChannel = localConnection.createDataChannel('sendDataChannel');
  console.log('Created send data channel');

  sendChannel.onopen = onSendChannelStateChange;
  sendChannel.onclose = onSendChannelStateChange;

  return localConnection;

, , . createDataChannel() , , addTrack() .

function createConnection() {
    alert('became host')
    return 0;
  for (let listener of streamListeners){
    streamListenersConnections[listener] = openConnection()
    streamListenersConnections[listener].onicecandidate = e => {
      onIceCandidate(streamListenersConnections[listener], e, listener);
    }; => {
    // localConnection.getStats().then(it => console.log(it))
    streamListenersConnections[listener].createOffer().then((offer) =>
      gotDescription1(offer, listener),
  ).then( () => {
    startButton.disabled = true;
    closeButton.disabled = false;



WebAudio API. , , , .

function createAudioBufferFromFile(){
  let fileToProcess = new FileReader();
  fileToProcess.onload = () => {

    let audioCont = new AudioContext();
    audioCont.decodeAudioData(fileToProcess.result).then(res => {

    //TODO: stream to webrtcnode  
    let source = audioCont.createBufferSource()
    audioSource = source;
    source.buffer = res;
    let dest = audioCont.createMediaStreamDestination()
    audioStreamDestination =dest;

    source.loop = false;
    // source.start(0)
    iAmHost = true;

, , mp3 . AudioContext, MediaStream. , , addTrack() WebRTC .

, createOffer() . , , :

function acceptDescription2(desc, broadcaster) {
  return localConnection.setRemoteDescription(desc)
  .then( () => { 
    return localConnection.createAnswer();
  .then(answ => {
  return localConnection.setLocalDescription(answ);
  }).then(() => {
        postData(JSON.stringify({type: "accept", user:username.value, to:broadcaster, descr:localConnection.currentLocalDescription}));



function finalizeCandidate(val, listener) {
  console.log('accepting connection')
  const a = new RTCSessionDescription(val);
  streamListenersConnections[listener].setRemoteDescription(a).then(() => {
    dataChannelSend.disabled = false;
    sendButton.disabled = false;




        let conn = localConnection? localConnection: streamListenersConnections[data.user]
        conn.addIceCandidate(data.candidate).then( onAddIceCandidateSuccess, onAddIceCandidateError);

addIceCandidate() .

, .
/( ).

function consumeRemoteStream(localConnection, event) {
  console.log('consume remote stream')

  const styles = {
    position: 'absolute',
    height: '100%',
    width: '100%',
    top: '0px',
    left: '0px',
    'z-index': 1000
Object.keys(styles).map(i => {[i] = styles[i];
  let audioCont = new AudioContext();
  audioContext = audioCont;
  let stream = new MediaStream();
  let source = audioCont.createMediaStreamSource(stream)
  let analyser = audioCont.createAnalyser();
  analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = 0;
  analyser.fftSize = 2048;
  audioAnalizer = analyser;
  audioSource = source;

, . AudioContext , AudioNode.
, createAnalyser() .


function render(){
  var freq = new Uint8Array(audioAnalizer.frequencyBinCount);
  let band = freq.slice(
  let avg  = band.reduce((a,b) => a+b,0)/band.length;

  context.fillStyle = `rgb(
        ${Math.floor(255 - avg)},

From the entire spectrum, a band is highlighted that will be represented by a single browser, and averaging, the amplitude is obtained. Next, just make the color between red and blue, depending on the same amplitude. Draw the canvas.

Something like this looks like the result of using the fruit of imagination:

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