Flipper Zero / One are now two devices. Kickstarter Preparation

Flipper is a pocket multitool project for hackers in the tamagotchi form factor, which I am developing with friends. Previous posts [ 1 ], [ 2 ].

Project site: flipperzero.one

While we were working on the Linux part of the flipper, we had in our hands an almost finished module on the STM32, which controlled the peripherals, the screen, and the buttons. Without Linux, he knew how to use 433MHz radio, intercom keys, and RFID cards. What is not a ready device - I thought. So we decided to make it a separate device. Now there are two flippers - Zero and One.

Under the cut, Iโ€™ll talk about changes in the project, and how we are preparing for crowdfunding.

What is the difference between the versions of Zero and One

Flipper zero

A lightweight, compact version built entirely on the STM32. Able to work with basic access control systems, remotes and radios. Functionality can be expanded with its programs. Think of it as an advanced replacement for Arduino and Blue Pill with an evil firmware that is convenient to carry and hack on the go.

Flipper one

An advanced version with all the functionality of Zero plus a separate ARM computer with Kali Linux. This is a more serious tool for the pentest of networks and access control systems.

What has changed in Flipper Zero

We experimented with prototypes for a long time and redesigned the design a bit. The joystick has become almost twice as large in diameter. In the first prototypes, the window for the screen was exactly the size of the active area of โ€‹โ€‹the display, because of this, at the slightest angle, part of the image was lost. We enlarged the window and raised the screen higher to the surface. So the review has become much better.

GPIO pins were added, this was most requested in voting for functions. Logical levels of output signals are 3.3V, while the pins are tolerant to incoming 5V signals, that is, you can freely connect popular modules like Arduino. There are separate 3.3V and 5V power lines, so you can immediately supply modules from Flipper.

There is an infrared port for controlling TVs and air conditioners.

Since we no longer have the Raspberry Pi, the USB and HDMI ports are missing at the end. There is only one USB Type C port left, which is simultaneously used for charging, firmware, console and USB slave emulation.

Radio CC1101

The radio is now made on a TI CC1101 chip. We hope that the built-in antenna will work best in the 433 MHz band and bearable in the 868 MHz band. This should cover the maximum number of possible radio systems: remotes, barriers, doorbells, alarms.

Signal analyzer

Native firmware will be able to parse popular radio protocols used in access control systems, including encryption algorithms like KeeLoq.

Infrared port

This is the second most popular feature that everyone has requested. Now Flipper is able to control TVs, air conditioners, music centers, etc. Out of the box, the firmware will contain a library of signals for the main manufacturers of TVs, it will be possible to scroll through the signal to turn off the TV, switch channels and change the volume. Users will be able to independently replenish the library of signals.

Learning function

If the desired signal is not in the library, it can be recorded from an existing remote. To do this, direct the remote control into Flipperโ€™s eye and press the desired button.

GPIO for connecting to hardware

Flipper now has 12 GPIO ports with which you can do anything: use as a programmer, fuzzer, USB adapter for UART / I2C / SPI. In this case, you can not connect the flipper to the computer, but run pre-written programs directly from the menu, read the output on the screen.

Support for Arduino IDE and PlatformIO

For STM32, you can write firmware in a familiar environment for beginners Arduino IDE or in Visual Studio Code with the PlatformIO plugin . When connected to a computer, by default, the flipper is defined as a HID device, so it does not require drivers to work, you only need a plug-in for the environment. Of course, you can write code anywhere and flash it with any other tools that support working with STM32.

Plugin library

Unlike ordinary Arduino boards, you can upload several of your programs to Flipper at once and save them in the library for future use. In this case, the main firmware will remain operational. And even if you wrote a curved program that breaks and freezes, does not allow you to exit it using the buttons, you can restart Flipper hardware by holding the buttons back + left.

In your programs you can use all the hardware modules: buttons, display the image, use the radio module, GPIO, 125KHz. We plan to release convenient libraries for working with Flipper hardware in a single format.


The iButton pad has been substantially redesigned. We have been looking for a suitable shape for a long time so that it can work both as a key reader and as a key. Now it has three contacts: two pluses and one minus.

What is inside

Since the board was left alone, the layout of the insides became more elegant. A piezodynamic was added to the vibrator for indication.

Coronavirus collapse

The coronavirus crisis did not bypass us either. We made the first batch of prototypes in China, but then an epidemic suddenly started, everything broke. For several weeks we can not send prototypes to Moscow. Now production is gradually recovering, but the end of the crisis is not visible.

Photos of the prototypes before they get stuck in the freight company:

Initially, we planned to start the campaign in mid-April, but due to the coronavirus, the dates have moved. Now we are waiting for the end of the quarantine and continue to prepare for the crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. We just had to shoot a video on Kickstarter, but so far all the locations in Moscow are closed, so we are quietly waiting. As soon as the situation calms down a bit, we will launch a campaign. We really hope that this will happen in May if everyone does not die.


How to buy?

You can pre-order on flipperzero.one . If you are interested in the project, I beg you to pre-order, it is important for us to predict volumes.

It is legal?

This is a research tool. All its components can be purchased separately at the store. If you build in a WiFi adapter and a 433MHz transmitter in a small case and add a screen there, it will not become more illegal from this. The device does not fall under the definition of special. means or device for secret collection of information. It can be illegal to use it ONLY for the purpose of causing damage or for illegal actions.

How to embed?

At the moment, you can personally support me with small donations for food through Patreon . Regular donations in the form of $ 1 are much better than a large amount at a time, because they allow you to predict ahead.

I publish all the notes on the project in my Telegram channel @zhovner_hub .

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