The digest of interesting materials for the mobile # 340 developer (on April 6 - 12)

In this issue, a new Swift, accessibility testing, overcoming Prince of persia, research on Russian mobile development teams, open Eclipse Theia instead of VSC, watering indoor plants and much more!

At the end of March, Swift 5.2 was released for Xcode 11.4. It has improved error diagnosis, dependency analysis, and expanded SwiftPM functionality. An overview of some changes has already been published on Habré, in the same article the evolution of the language itself with possible examples of use is considered.Alfa-Bank is part of a special working group created by the Central Bank in order to improve the quality of financial products for groups with visual impairments. A special methodology of work and evaluations has already been developed, which all banks adhere to.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And daily we send news in the Telegram channel .


(+17)  From an error in the alert with actions
(+6)  Compositional Layout in iOS 13. Basics
(+3) We form the View in SwiftUI based on the conditions
In iOS 14, applications can be launched without installation
In the App Store also found fleeceware applications
Apple buys NextVR
Drag and drop in SwiftUI
How to launch an iOS application
UITableViewCell with auto-size using UIStackView
Guide to documenting code in Xcode
Useful global features in Swift
Creating better apps for Apple Watch
Creating a weather app for iOS
Add parallax effect to static text in iOS
View code - a control framework for rejecting IB
Swift: Google’s bid for differentiated programming
Playbook: creating UI components
SimpleEngine: 2D

Android game engine

(+25)  Open source: CI / CD and Avito test infrastructure for Android
(+11)  Classification of images on Android using TensorFlow Lite and Azure Custom Vision service
(+12)  Function redirection in native -Libraries on Android
(+5) Using the ColorPicker library in Android to implement flexible color selection
(+4)  Using the Volley library in Android using data from the weather API as an example
(+3) Prosto: remove boilerplate when working with RecyclerView
Google made a virtual braille keyboard
Android Broadcast # 11: Developing a mobile developer
Protecting your game and players on Google Play
Layout Inspector in Android Studio
Customizing WorkManager - the basics
Migrating the Duolingo Android application to 100% Kotlin
ViewBinding - a new standard for processing interaction with View in Android
Android Multi-Module & Dagger: a real-life example, step by step
Android map scanner using Firebase ML Kit and CameraX
Best architecture for Android: MVI + LiveData + ViewModel
Cheats for generating code in Dagger
Android Canvas API: from noob to ninja
Android battery testing on Microsoft YourPhone
Everything you need to know about ViewBinding in Android
Top 20 plugins for Android Studio
Modular Android application and dynamic delivery
Chip Navigation Bar: beautiful panel navigation
Learn Jetpack Compose By Example: learn Jetpack Compose by examples


(+83)  How the creator of Prince of Persia managed to overcome Apple II memory limitations
(+35)  Profession: mobile developer
(+22) How much I spent on creating a mobile application, and how the coronavirus revived it
(+16) Creating a navigator using augmented reality technologies and machine learning methods
(+16)  How to reproduce realistic sound in computer games and VR and why it is difficult
(+ 15) Bad network code kills your favorite fighting games
(+14)  Creating a design system for the game: a detailed analysis of the approach
(+13) Creating a roguelike in Unity from scratch: a dungeon generator
(+10)  How to escape from Covid and from surveillance ?
(+9) How to get to work in an international game dev: a tutorial from a 3D-modeler from Ulyanovsk who became a co-owner of the studio
(+8)  How NOT to become a game designer (Game Designer)
(+6)  Unity + git = friendship: part 1 gentleman's set
( +6) Problems of delivery of features in large projects
(+5) Summer MVP. How flexible is Kotlin?
(+3)  Realistic combat AI for a 2D game
(0)  User flow: how to create popular applications and sites
Podlodka # 158: Localization
Radio QA # 58: Not alone at home
Season of Docs 2020 begins
The study “Fame of mobile development teams 2020”
Rostelecom has established an online hackathon VirusHack with a prize fund of 2.5 million rubles
Development at Grab: what did I learn from working in a large technology company?
“Quarantine” - the concept of the application for leaving home during COVID-19
Clarity - the main thing when writing code
100 days of code - is it difficult? How about 1 game per month?
What to expect in React Native when converting an iOS application to Android
Your application should not be perfect
Storytelling in UX: microinteractions that support the hero’s journey
A health app design that motivates users to build healthy habits with friends
21 errors in my 21-year-old programming career
Eclipse Theia: open extensible IDE

Analytics, marketing and monetization

(+7)  AdColony: 89% of publishers of mobile applications and games use promotional videos
Snapchat launched AR donations to fight against coronavirus offers ready-made workpieces
The most popular apps in the world in March 2020
Tuned - an app for couples from Facebook
Zoom, Skype, Kinopoisk and Premier first hit the Top- 10 Russian App Store
Quibi: real mobile streaming
Music streaming in 2019 grew by 32%
Ultimate screenshot template for the store in Figma

AI, Devices, IoT

(+48)  Smart replay stickers
• • (+27)  Raspberry Pi, Python and watering indoor plants
(+13) We  train a generative-competitive network for drawing pictures on Azure ML
(+3)  Localization of a QR code is an important task, unfairly deprived of attention
(+1)  Industry 4.1: Robot ownership, neural networks and Open Source monetization
Google released Local Home SDK

Previous Digest. If you have other interesting materials or if you find a mistake, please send it to the mail .

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