Can you feel the candidate, is he alive?

Each profession sooner or later has its own slang and newspeak. HR specialists are no exception. We asked HR managers from various IT companies to share their pearls and finds.

Recruiter Professional Slang:

1. In the furnace = well, this is a clear failure.
2. In the refrigerator = we will think.
3. Chief Popiar - head of the public relations service.
4. If the candidate is still alive = if we have been interviewing the candidate for a long time and for some reason or other could not hire him and returned to his candidacy a few months later.
5. If the candidate is still fresh = the same as the previous paragraph.
6. Killed the candidate = rejection of the candidate.
7. Prank = schedule a meeting
8. Burning candidate = with fire in his eyes and an awl in the pope.
9. The candidate hanged himself= candidate posted his resume on the working site.
10. The candidate excited = the candidate really liked him, he should be quickly invited to the final interviews.
11. Extremely neutral = this is how candidate feedback can be cunningly encrypted, i.e. we do not take it.
12. Manager = manager.
13. MHC = low-employee.
14. The hijacker = the one we hired (this term is used more by recruiters).
15. Interview = conduct an interview.
16. He does not want to delve into giblets = he is not ready to work with device.
17. Reception- This term is already used in the personnel department, when applying for a job.
18. Performance = activity, quality of work, indicators.
19. Serch = the process of finding candidates for a vacancy.
20. We do not have a goal to fill up on his plus horses = well, everything is clear, this means that we are interviewing a candidate not to fill up him and show that he has poor experience in C ++ ... but to understand his experience, skills and potential.
21. Date = financial director, state employee.
22. Ferrets = HoReCa experts.
23. Convert your employee = grow your employee to the desired role.
24. Sobes= Interview

Lines from resumes of applicants (spelling and punctuation preserved):
1. “About myself - determination is a fully formed psychological concept and state of the result that is set for ourselves, sociability consists in easy and calm communication with others, with no release into the bloodstream adrenaline, with the presence of the ability to hear, the focus on results lies in everything new for me, in the absence of fear of going to new goals, in the absence of fear of change, being the first and the best! ”

2. Hello
I am the person you need!
(Call a spade a spade). Sometimes fate or chance gives us good cards - all that remains is to make the right move, or at least go with the right suit. Deeds, not words. A tree is known by its fruit. PS For me: Business is the salt of life.
3. Have experience of study.
4. Responsible ‚sociable‚ very creative and creative person. Easy to eat.
5. Last position: Middle candidate.

From communication with the recruitment agency:

- Elena, good afternoon. Can you feel the candidate, is he alive?
- “Felt” :) The current project is coming to an end in the near future. I will be glad to resume communication.

PS Interestingly, what words and expressions do you use in your work? Share in the comments.

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